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barnyard2waldo 0.1.1

Describe the waldo bookmark for barnyard2

14,373 下載

gitius 0.2.6

Command line interface for github

14,299 下載

get_to_work 0.1.5

Tag Harvest time entries with Pivotal Tracker information

14,125 下載

arsi 1.2.0

Puts your SQL under a microscope

13,695 下載

protosum 0.9.13

igsr5's test package for proto buf

13,431 下載


Simple distributed Redis-backed rate limiter

12,802 下載

hash_schema 0.2.0

This gem provides schema building blocks that can be used to define complicated has...

12,705 下載

abucoins 0.3.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

12,334 下載

inspec-chef 0.3.4

This plugin allows InSpec 'inputs' to be provided by Chef Server.

12,187 下載

docker_rack 0.0.7

Simple Docker Orchestration

11,710 下載

palimpsest 0.2.0

No web framework, no problem: Palimpsest gives any custom or legacy project a modern wo...

11,508 下載

fluent-plugin-filter-docker_metadata 0.0.1

Filter plugin to add Docker metadata

11,326 下載

restpack_user_service 0.0.5

Users and Authentications service

11,293 下載

restpack_account_service 0.0.5

Account service

11,218 下載

whoop 1.3.0

A simple gem to help you whoop your logs into shape.

11,187 下載

languagedetection 0.3.4

Ruby Library for the languagelayer API, powerful language detection, https://languagela...

10,959 下載

blockr-ruby 0.0.6

Ruby SDK for API

10,846 下載

phone_number_validation 0.2.2

Ruby Library for the numverify API, Global Phone Number Validation & Lookup, https:...

10,626 下載

volabit 1.1.1

Integrate the Volabit services in your app with ease.

10,294 下載

sounddrop 0.0.4

A gem that provides audio and track information about a Soundcloud song given a URL

9,811 下載

email_checker 0.0.4

Validates, at some degree, that the email you want to send to it's valid and exists.

9,614 下載

desk_api_v2 0.0.3

A ruby interface to the API V2

9,566 下載

ruby_rolling_rate_limiter 0.1.5

Often Redis is used for rate limiting purposes. Usually the rate limit packages availab...

9,554 下載

compose-hook 0.1.4

Simple webhook application to update a service using docker compose

9,493 下載

one_pass 0.4.1

Retrieve passwords from your 1Password OpVault-encoded vault via the command line

9,493 下載

shadowbq-domainatrix 0.0.14

A cruel mistress that uses the public suffix domain list to dominate URLs by canonicali...

9,129 下載

justprep 1.2.5

justprep is a CLI tool implemented as a Ruby gem AND a compiled Crystal binary. It al...

9,126 下載

http_method_not_allowed_middleware 0.3.2

Send 405 response for ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod exceptions

8,889 下載

thin-ice 1.0.1

Rake task generator for spinning up a thin server with easy to use configuration options.

8,847 下載

super-pry-rails 0.1.1

Meta gem to bundle better_errors, rails-footnotes, super-pry, and pry-rails.

8,530 下載

總下載次數 4,574,509

這個版本 1,255,745




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.3.0
