aws_config 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 aws_config
awsecrets 1.15.1
AWS credentials loader
1,966,185 下載
aws-mfa-secure 0.4.5
Adds MFA Support to AWS CLI and Ruby SDKs for normal IAM user
458,854 下載
piculet 0.3.0
Piculet is a tool to manage EC2 Security Group. It defines the state of EC2 Security Gr...
119,304 下載
awssession 0.3.0
AwsSession creates an AWS session
13,217 下載
vagrant-s3auth-mfa 1.5.0
[VRTDev Fork]Private, versioned Vagrant boxes hosted on Amazon S3.
10,050 下載
ec2list 0.0.4
Show running instances on AWS EC2.
9,087 下載
rosie-aws 0.1.2
A ruby gem that gives you functionality to clean up different types of AWS resources
7,792 下載
aws-sts 0.1.0
This tool allows you to a assume an AWS role using short-lived credentials, it follows ...
6,616 下載
awsstack 0.2.2
AWS stack handling helper script.
4,762 下載
cmonson_2ndwatch_awsecrets 1.14.0
AWS credentials loader
2,541 下載