aws-sdk-rds 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 aws-sdk-rds
aws-sdk-resources 3.225.0
The official AWS SDK for Ruby. Provides both resource oriented interfaces and API clien...
342,903,552 下載
train-aws 0.2.41
Allows applications using Train to speak to AWS; handles authentication, cacheing, and ...
2,600,184 下載
pg-aws_rds_iam 0.7.0
PG::AWS_RDS_IAM is a plugin for the pg gem that adds support for IAM authentication whe...
584,671 下載
awful 0.0.185
AWS cmdline and yaml loader.
462,837 下載
MovableInkAWS 2.8.12
AWS Utility methods for MovableInk
315,978 下載
firespring_dev_commands 3.1.6
Ruby library for creating/maintaining your development environment
285,973 下載
terraforming 0.18.0
Export existing AWS resources to Terraform style (tf, tfstate)
172,687 下載
fluent-plugin-rds-pgsql-log 0.5.0
fluentd plugin for Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL log input
76,323 下載
cfn_manage 0.8.3
Start and stop aws resources in a cloudformation stack
74,647 下載
stax 0.1.16
Stax is a flexible set of ruby classes for wrangling your cloudformation stacks.
73,551 下載
cfn-guardian 0.11.11
Manages AWS cloudwatch alarms with default templates using cloudformation
61,685 下載
aws-rds 0.6.0
Simple tool to create AWS RDS db instances consistently with pre-configured settings
45,559 下載
rds-rotate-db-snapshots 1.0.0
Provides a simple way to rotate RDS DB snapshots with configurable retention periods.
25,175 下載
aws_public_ips 1.0.7
A library/cli to fetch all public IP addresses associated with an AWS account
22,833 下載
openstax_aws 2.1.0
openstax IaC
15,558 下載
aws_instance_list 1.3.3
The target is get the instance lists of AWS accounts. Return array of data.
10,097 下載
awshark 1.6.0
Custom CLI for for AWS to simplify common tasks with EC2, S3 and Cloud Formation
9,529 下載
pghero_logs 0.2.0
Slow query log parser for Postgres
9,104 下載
aws-rails-provisioner 0.0.2.rc4
Define and deploy containerized Ruby on Rails Applications on AWS.
8,116 下載
rds_concerto 0.1.1
tool that to clone AWS-RDS Aurora instance
3,843 下載
awry 0.1.0
2,033 下載
jcf 0.1.0
Gather metrics from AWS for CloudFoundry installations
1,984 下載
en-aws-synchronizer 0.2.2
You can sync aws ec2, volume, eip, rds, vpc, subnet, security groups to your aws model ...
1,061 下載
rrx_config 0.1.2
Ruby on Rails support for environment-base configuration
1,023 下載
mysql2-aws_rds_iam 0.2.0
Mysql2::AwsRdsIam is an extension of mysql2 gem that adds support of IAM authentication...
579 下載