RubyGems Navigation menu

awesome_print 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 awesome_print

ruby-lol 1.2.0

Ruby wrapper to Riot Games API. Maps results to full blown ruby objects.

94,275 下載

nrser 0.3.12

basic ruby utils i use in a lot of stuff.

94,265 下載

ledger_sync 2.6.0

LedgerSync is a simple library that allows you to sync common objects to popular accoun...

94,224 下載

mork 0.15.0

Optical mark recognition of multiple-choice tests and surveys. Low-level ruby library t...

93,770 下載

help_scout-sdk 3.0.3

Ruby Help Scout (aka HelpScout) SDK, using Mailbox API v2.0

92,864 下載

fastentry 0.1.16

Cache management for Rails

92,657 下載

peerflixrb 6.1.2

With peerflixrb you can search for movies and TV shows and stream them directly on your...

92,097 下載

muflax 0.6.1

collection of stuff muflax always uses in scripts

90,775 下載

capistrano-s3 2.4.0

Enables static websites deployment to Amazon S3 website buckets using Capistrano.

89,466 下載

acpc_poker_match_state 2.2.1

Match state data manager.

88,769 下載

ruby-conf 2.8.1

rubyconf is a ruby configuration dsl that aims to make it simple to write and read conf...

88,604 下載

economic-rest 0.6.2

Ruby wrapper for the e-conomic REST API, that aims at making working with the API beara...

88,125 下載

skinny_controllers 0.10.8

An implementation of role-based policies and operations to help controllers lose weight.

88,000 下載

leanplum_api 4.3.0

Ruby-esque access to Leanplum API

85,946 下載

euston-rabbitmq 1.2.4

JRuby RabbitMq bindings

85,498 下載

euston-rabbitmq 1.2.4

JRuby RabbitMq bindings

85,498 下載

biosphere 0.2.19

Terraform's HCL lacks quite many programming features like iterators, true variables, a...

85,487 下載

pvcglue 0.9.6

PVC_Glue description

85,068 下載

ical_importer 0.5.1

Easily import iCal Events from a URL and handle their output

84,825 下載

acpc_poker_basic_proxy 3.2.2

Basic proxy to connect to the ACPC Dealer.

84,570 下載

knife-chop 0.12.18

Knife plugin to assist with the upload and sync of Chef server assets like roles, envir...

83,915 下載

comma-heaven 0.8.4

CommaHeaven permits easy exports of Rails models to CSV

82,871 下載

mixin_bot 1.1.0

An API wrapper for Mixin Nexwork

82,394 下載

grape-starter 2.1.3

CLI to create a API skeleton based on Grape and Rack

81,449 下載

letters 0.4.1

Letters brings Ruby debugging into the 21st century. It leverages print, the debugger, ...

80,629 下載

myfinance 1.8.2

A Ruby client for the Myfinance REST API:

80,493 下載

iteraptor 0.10.0

Adds several methods similar to Enumerable’s iterators to where it is included.

80,355 下載

dir_validator 0.14.6

This gem provides a convenient syntax for checking whether the contents of a directory ...

79,907 下載

trailer_vote-media_types 3.0.4

Holds the defined media types for the TrailerVote ecosystem

79,631 下載

script_executor 1.7.8

This library helps to execute code, locally or remote over ssh.

79,564 下載

總下載次數 224,438,254

這個版本 64,483,906



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