RubyGems Navigation menu

awesome_print 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 awesome_print

nexaas_id-client 0.7.4

A Ruby client for the Nexaas ID REST API

62,847 下載


Simple API for HTTP requests to Entrez E-utilities

62,745 下載

lifen 4.0.0

Lifen API ruby client

62,554 下載

exvo_globalize 0.6.0

It exposes `/globalize/translations.json` with JSON of all translations in the app

62,367 下載

rusic 2.0.1

Theme creation and deployment for the Rusic platform

62,009 下載

asaas-ruby 0.2.28 Ruby API Wrapper

61,952 下載

battleroom 0.0.871

A REPL designed to help novice Ruby programmers build muscle memory for working with va...

61,782 下載

naf 2.1.13

A cloud based distributed cron, application framework and operations console. Naf works...

61,713 下載

calabash 1.2.1

Contains shared functionality and extentions to various Calabash sub-projects.

61,698 下載

tensor_stream 1.0.9

A reimplementation of TensorFlow for ruby. This is a ground up implementation with no d...

61,497 下載

hieracles 0.4.2

CLI tool for Hiera parameters visualization and analysis.

61,149 下載

media_types 2.3.2

Media Types as mime types are not easily supported by frameworks such as rails.

60,823 下載

stripe-cli 1.8.4

a git-style cli, offering a friendly, intuitive interface to all of the Stripe API righ...

60,536 下載

sandthorn 1.3.0

Event sourcing

60,490 下載

fly_parser 0.0.24

Simple fly parser for internal uses

60,426 下載

jefferies_tube 1.6.8

Useful tools for Rails.

60,012 下載

haproxy-tools 0.6.0

Ruby tools for HAProxy, including config file management.

59,456 下載

console_utils 0.10.1

Console Utils provides several handy tools to use in Rails Console.

59,275 下載

teleport 1.0.19

Easy Ubuntu server setup via teleportation.

58,530 下載

society 2.0.1

Social graph for Ruby objects. Based on an original idea by Kerri Miller.

58,449 下載

minitest-heat 1.2.0

Presents test results in a visual manner to guide you to where to look first.

58,414 下載

html2pdf 0.2.6

Export list of html or xhtml files to pdfs with 'wkhtmltopdf'

58,241 下載

scout_realtime 1.0.5

Realtime server metrics in your browser.

57,754 下載

awesome_explain 1.0.1

AwesomeExplain provides the same APM level of query analysis under your development and...

57,707 下載

rspec-resembles_json_matchers 0.9.1

Helpful matchers for comparing JSON documents.

57,647 下載

oxymoron 1.2.8

Make your Single Page Application with new architecture

57,487 下載

jmongo 1.1.5

Thin jruby wrapper around Mongo Java Driver

57,390 下載

ikazuchi 1.2.1

meta-package of useful gems for rails development

56,950 下載

passaporteweb-client 0.5.0

A Ruby client for the PassaporteWeb REST API

56,875 下載

ledger_sync-netsuite 0.6.2

LedgerSync is a simple library that allows you to sync common objects to popular accoun...

56,828 下載

總下載次數 233,136,806

這個版本 72,094,783




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
