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awesome_print 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 awesome_print

f5-icontrol 0.3.7

A gem to manage F5 BigIP devices using the iControl API

78,713 下载

habitica_client 1.0.1

Another Habitica client

78,436 下载

see_as_vee 0.6.1

Load CSV/XLSX, check it, format it and spit it back to the user with a single command.

77,883 下载

uea-stemmer 0.10.3

Port of UEA-Lite Stemmer to Ruby, a conservative stemmer for search and indexing.

76,952 下载

ebook_renamer 0.2.5

Bulk rename of ebook files (pdf, epub, mobi) based on embedded metadata

76,399 下载

banter 2.2.3

Publish & subscribe to messages

76,002 下载

paginative 0.3.0

After spending a lot of time screwing around with orphaned objects and every other prob...

75,536 下载

bucky-core 0.10.25

Bucky-core can run test code which is written in YAML. End-to-End test (working with Se...

75,443 下载

ansible-powerplay 1.4.7

Ansible Powerplay, by way of its DSL, allows you to specify your...

74,451 下载

ensurance 0.1.27

A handy shortcut for user = user.is_a?(User) ? user : User.find(user)

74,441 下载

bpluser 0.5.0

Shared user access gem for public front ends

74,216 下载

docker-armada 2.14.1

Deploy utility for docker containers

73,539 下载

xmppify 0.0.62

We have extracted out the logic from IdleCampus and built xmppify because I want to hel...

73,479 下载

pushapp 0.2.10

Push your App

73,331 下载

blazeverify 2.0.3

Email Verification that’s astonishingly easy and low-cost. See ...

73,266 下载

hubspot-api-ruby 0.16.0

hubspot-api-ruby is a wrapper for the HubSpot REST API

73,150 下载

chuckle 1.0.9

An http client that caches on disk.

73,128 下载

vim_printer 0.2.7

Batch convert multiple files to htmls using the power of Vim editor

72,742 下载

efo_nelfo 2.0.0

Parser for EFONELFO format

72,649 下载

simply_serializable 1.5.1

Simply Serializable makes it easy to serialize any object. It provides a configuratabl...

72,601 下载

idb 2.10.3

idb is a tool to simplify some common tasks for iOS pentesting and research. Please see...

72,573 下载

rgeoserver 0.10.1

GeoServer REST API Ruby library

72,262 下载

danger-jira_sync 0.0.8

Synchronizes information between Jira and GitHub

72,121 下载

seat_geek 0.14.2

A Ruby gem for communicating with the SeatGeek REST API

71,920 下载

photish 0.7.6

Photish is a simple, convention based (but configurable) static photo site generator.

70,901 下载

filename_cleaner 0.4.8

Bulk rename and remove unwanted characters from list of files in any directory recursiv...

70,680 下载

bin_install 0.0.33

Create install scripts without the complexity of shell commands.

70,318 下载

grifter 0.5.0

convention based approach to interfacing with an HTTP JSON API.

70,268 下载

rig 0.6.7

Cloud provisioning tool built on ruby fog

70,223 下载

super_awesome_print 0.2.6

Add colored '*********', time and line number around printed value

70,008 下载

下载总量 224,871,334

这个版本 64,850,764



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
