amazon-ec2 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 amazon-ec2
CloudyScripts 2.14.64
Scripts to facilitate programming for infrastructure clouds.
234,315 下載
standup 0.6.9
Standup is an application deployment and infrastructure management tool for Rails and A...
224,720 下載
Rudy: Not your grandparents' EC2 deployment tool.
216,156 下載
solutious-rudy 0.9.4
Rudy: Not your grandparents' EC2 deployment tool.
71,769 下載
The rubber plugin enables relatively complex multi-instance deployments of RubyOnRails ...
69,221 下載
hugo 0.4.1
Deploy your apps to the EC2 cloud.
67,427 下載
hugo 0.4.1
Deploy your apps to the EC2 cloud.
67,427 下載
ey_cloud_awareness 0.2.2
DEPRECATED: use engineyard-metadata. Pull metadata from EC2 and EngineYard so that your...
66,613 下載
teleport 1.0.19
Easy Ubuntu server setup via teleportation.
59,541 下載
the-maestro 0.4.2
Maestro is a cloud provisioning, configuration, and management utility for your Ruby an...
54,181 下載
ec2-instance 0.0.11
Monkey patch some amazon-ec2 gem classes and modules to handle common operations.
41,264 下載
bigbang 0.0.7
A tool to bootstrap clusters of EC2 instances
30,942 下載
sml-rubber 1.5.5
The rubber plugin enables relatively complex multi-instance deployments of RubyOnRails ...
30,484 下載
ec2_tools 0.3.3
ec2 manage commands
28,681 下載
ec2-instance-manager 0.4.0
Launches EC2 instances for multiple AWS accounts
21,693 下載
sumo 0.2.2
A no-hassle way to launch one-off EC2 instances from the command line
18,531 下載
capazon 0.2.0
A Capistrano extension library to manage Amazon EC2 instances
14,845 下載
cardmagic-sumo 0.3.4
A no-hassle way to launch one-off EC2 instances from the command line
14,307 下載
fssh 1.0.0
Easily ssh into remote Amazon EC2 hosts by name.
14,115 下載
winton-ubistrano 1.2.7
Provision and deploy to an Ubuntu/God/Apache/Passenger stack using Capistrano
13,297 下載
amazon-instance 0.1.0
A tool for creating new Amazon EC2 instances. It allows you to organize your instances ...
11,310 下載
adamwiggins-sumo 0.2.2
A no-hassle way to launch one-off EC2 instances from the command line
11,294 下載
AppTower-ubistrano 1.2.1
Provision and deploy to an Ubuntu/God/Apache/Passenger stack using Capistrano
10,846 下載
jnewland-capsize 0.5.2
Capsize is a Capistrano plugin used to provide an easy way to manage and script interac...
8,406 下載
nirvdrum-rubber 1.1.7
The rubber plugin enables relatively complex multi-instance deployments of RubyOnRails ...
7,651 下載
bschwartz-capsize 0.5.1
Capsize is a Capistrano plugin used to provide an easy way to manage and script interac...
6,808 下載
ec2l 0.0.2
a convenience wrapper for EC2 apis
6,381 下載
opennebula_nagios_probe 1.0.1
This gem is collection of nagios probes (one, econe, occi, rocci) for OpenNebula cloud ...
6,135 下載
wr0ngway-rubber 1.0.1
The rubber plugin enables relatively complex multi-instance deployments of RubyOnRails ...
5,978 下載
cirras-management 0.0.1
CirrAS is an effort to automatically deploy a clustered JBoss AS server in the Cloud.
5,360 下載