RubyGems Navigation menu

addressable 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 addressable

xlogin 0.16.10

login to any devices with ease.

249,567 下载

pebblebed 0.4.11

Development tools for working with Pebblebed

249,248 下载

right_agent 2.7.2

RightAgent provides a foundation for running an agent on a server to interface in a sec...

243,612 下载

missing_validators 2.3.0

Validates email addresses, URLs, IMEI, MAC addresses, latitude, longitude, hex colo...

237,217 下载

active_encode 1.2.2

This gem provides an interface to transcoding services such as Ffmpeg, Amazon Elastic T...

236,992 下载

addressabler 0.1.2

Addressabler extends the Addressable::URI class to provide information about, and manip...

233,996 下载

epub-parser 0.4.8

Parse EPUB 3 book loosely

232,330 下载

maremma 5.0.0

Ruby utility library for network requests. Based on Faraday and Excon, provides a wrapp...

230,818 下载

dm-persevere-adapter 0.72.0

A DataMapper Adapter for persevere

226,561 下载

dockly 4.4.1

Packaging made easy

223,578 下载

escher 2.0.9

Escher helps you creating secure HTTP requests (for APIs) by signing HTTP(s) requests.

222,131 下载

opener-callback-handler 1.1.0

Tool for handling different callback URLs based on their protocol.

218,546 下载

eac_ruby_utils 0.122.0

Utilities for E.A.C.'s Ruby projects.

216,091 下载

cucumber-api 0.9

cucumber-api allows API JSON response validation and verification in BDD style.

207,733 下载

mida 0.4.0

A Microdata parser and extractor library which includes support for the voca...

207,276 下载

filbunke 2.1.7

Filbunke client and library

205,485 下载

bookingsync-api 1.2.0

This gem allows to interact with the BookingSync API via Ruby objects

202,378 下载

almodovar 2.0.2

BeBanjo API client

201,054 下载

rustici_software_cloud_v2 4.0.0

SCORM Cloud API V2 Client

198,606 下载

currency_cloud 1.4.0

Ruby SDK for the Currency Cloud API -

194,415 下载


Wraps the Saxon 9.8 HE XSLT 2.0 processor so that you can transform XSLT 2 stylesheets ...

192,855 下载

flame 4.18.1

Use controller's classes with instance methods as routing actions, mounting its in appl...

189,690 下载

openstax_api 9.6.0

Provides models, controllers and libraries that help OpenStax products define API's for...

187,281 下载

fluent-plugin-uri-parser 0.3.0

This is a Fluentd plugin to parse uri and query string in log messages.

186,884 下载

buffer 0.1.3

Buffer is an API Wrapper Gem for's API

186,470 下载

spark_api 1.6.2

The spark_api gem handles most of the boilerplate for communicating with the Spark API ...

184,990 下载

zoho_hub 0.4.2

Simple gem to connect to Zoho CRM API V2

183,834 下载

hal-client 5.0.0

An easy to use interface for REST APIs that use HAL.

183,504 下载


Arachni is a feature-full, modular, high-performance Ruby framework aimed towards helpi...

182,124 下载

transit-ruby 0.8.606

Transit marshalling for Ruby

181,890 下载

下载总量 794,708,513

这个版本 1,689,364



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.2
