RubyGems Navigation menu

actionview 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 actionview

mtl 1.1.10

Reusable components and Rails helpers on top of materialize-css and material-design-icons.

24,502 下載

foundation_form_builder 1.1.0

Rails FormBuilder for use with ZURB Foundation.

24,020 下載

logjoy 1.0.0

Alternative set of LogSubscriber classes for Rails for more structured JSON logs

23,635 下載

we_bridge-auto_view_helper 0.0.10

helper used in we-bridge

23,235 下載

greenhat 0.7.4

Experimental SOS and Log Parser for GitLab

23,135 下載

carrierwave-cloudflare 0.5.0

Wrapper for cloudflare transforming images

23,132 下載

sprockets-vue 0.1.0

A Sprockets transformer that converts .vue file into js object.

22,366 下載

smart_navigation 0.2.3

View helpers for navigation menus. Build navigation menus from hash objects.

22,274 下載

yanapiri 0.5.0

Ayudante para administrar entregas via GitHub Classroom.

22,155 下載

flash-messenger 0.2.2

Integrate with flash-messenger to provide a simple flash messages.

22,076 下載

sportweb 0.3.3

sportweb - instant open sports web admin browser command line tool

22,070 下載

openproject-primer_view_components 0.32.1

ViewComponents of the Primer Design System for OpenProject

21,893 下載

rocket_navigation 0.3.3

Currently alpha qualiy, use at your own risk.

21,542 下載

pushing 0.2.0

Pushing is like ActionMailer, but for sending push notifications.

21,437 下載

order2cb 0.0.11

Basic WIP.

21,128 下載

smart_pagination 0.4.0

View helpers for SmartPaginate. A simple, smart and clean pagination extension for Acti...

21,011 下載

metazilla 1.5.0

Simple metatags and page titles for Rails.

20,366 下載

dekorator 1.5.0

An opinionated way of organizing model-view code in Ruby on Rails, based on decorators

19,837 下載

ransacker_translator 0.1.4

expand search by ransack

19,836 下載

sortabl 0.5.2

Check github repository for more in-depth information.

19,727 下載

translighterate 0.3.0

For example, highlighting 'duss' in 'Düsseldorf' will actually match something.

19,658 下載

fun_emoji 2.2.0

We can use methods to get the Emoji instead of using unreadable unicode starting with &#

19,576 下載

erb_component 0.2.1

React-style front-end components but for ERB?

19,373 下載

github_bus_factor 0.1.9

Provides few more parameters to estimate quality of the GitHub project besides stars.

19,324 下載

tel_link_rails 0.0.3

Rails telephone link helper

19,284 下載

solidus_core_devise_token_auth 2.8.0.alpha.14

Essential models, mailers, and classes for the Solidus e-commerce project (devise_token...

19,268 下載

universalid 0.1.7

Universal ID opens the flood gates with a deluge of profoundly powerful yet easily impl...

19,148 下載

docker-stack 0.2.8

Support code and rake tasks for running Rails on top of Dockerized services.

18,939 下載

openproject-octicons_helper 19.13.0

A rails helper that makes including svg Octicons simple.

18,848 下載

actionview-rev_manifest 0.2.2

Let Rails load rev-manifest.json generated by gulp-rev

18,707 下載

總下載次數 488,042,386

這個版本 411,680



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.0

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
