activerecord-mimer 0.0.4
Mimer support for ActiveRecord.
37,598 下載
activerecord-missing 0.1.0
This gem provides the functionality of ActiveRecord::QueryMethods::WhereChain#missing f...
2,572 下載
activerecord-mlang 0.0.9
Extension for multi language of active-record.
26,499 下載
active_record_mocks 1.2.1
Mock ActiveRecord tables to test concerns and other code.
22,678 下載
active_record_model_and_rspec_enhanced_templates 1.4
ActiveRecord generator and RSpec templates that add some basic functionality to the mod...
65,770 下載
activerecord-model_inheritance 1.0.1
An attempt at real inheritance for ActiveRecord models.
952 下載
activerecord-model-spaces 0.2.0
map activerecord models to tables depending on context
9,021 下載
active_record-mod_sql_log_subscriber 0.2.0
An ActiveRecord::LogSubscriber which records only mod sql.
37,936 下載
activerecord-money 0.0.1
ActiveRecord wrapper for money gem
3,842 下載
activerecord-msgpack_serializer 0.1.1
A custom ActiveRecord serializer using MessagePack
29,214 下載
active_record-mti 0.3.2
Gives ActiveRecord support for PostgreSQL's native inherited tables
49,036 下載
activerecord-mti 0.0.0
Multiple Tables Inheritance for ActiveRecord
4,530 下載
activerecord-multiconditions 0.1.0
MultiConditions is a simple ActiveRecord plugin for storing ActiveRecord query cond...
10,487 下載
active_record_multiple_query_cache 0.1.3
Enable the query_cache for your abstract base class inherited from ActiveRecord::Base
49,166 下載
activerecord-multirange 1.0.0
Add PostgreSQL multiranges support
7,936 下載
activerecord-multi-tenant 2.4.0
ActiveRecord/Rails integration for multi-tenant databases, in particular the Citus exte...
7,454,161 下載
active_record_mutex 3.2.1
Mutex that can be used to synchronise ruby processes via an ActiveRecord datababase con...
74,387 下載
activerecord-mysql2-adapter 0.0.3
extracted code from mysql2
446,704 下載
Fixes schema.rb for datetime fields that use on update
6,068 下載
activerecord-mysql2legacydb-adapter 0.2.0
If you are stuck with a MySQL database where the naming is, well, unrailslike, acti...
11,497 下載
activerecord-mysql2-retry-ext 0.2.0
Something with the combination of Rails 3.1, Mysql2 0.3.x, Capybara, Selenium/Webki...
110,036 下載
activerecord-mysql2rgeo-adapter 7.0.1
ActiveRecord connection adapter for MySQL. It is based on the stock MySQL adapter, and ...
508,035 下載
activerecord-mysql2spatial-adapter 0.5.2
This is an ActiveRecord connection adapter for MySQL Spatial Extensions. It is based on...
335,754 下載
activerecord-mysql-adapter 0.0.1
An ActiveRecord adapter for MySQL, based on mysql gem.
176,301 下載
activerecord-mysql-adapter-flags 0.0.3
Allow setting mysql driver flags in database.yml for Rails apps.
13,064 下載
activerecord-mysql-awesome 0.0.9
Awesome patches backported for ActiveRecord MySQL adapters
1,208,941 下載
activerecord-mysql-comment 0.0.1
Adds column comment and index comment to migrations for ActiveRecord MySQL adapters
6,732 下載
activerecord-mysql-enum 2.4.2
Enable enum type for the MySQL Adapter in ActiveRecord
4,354,436 下載
activerecord-mysql-index-hint 0.0.4
MySQL index hint support for ActiveRecord
1,736,971 下載
activerecord-mysql-pkdump 0.1.0
Dump the type information of a non-standard primary key.
11,534 下載