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activebroadcast 0.1.0

Makes it simpler to integrate CableReady and StimulusReflex with ActiveRecord callbacks

2,156 下載

active_bugzilla 1.0.1

ActiveBugzilla is an ActiveRecord like interface to the Bugzilla API.

9,360 下載

active_builder 1.0.2

Active builder is a simple builder library to help make your params more clean

4,569 下載

active_cabinet 0.2.4

ActiveRecord-inspired interface for HashCabinet, the file-basd key-object store.

12,458 下載

active_cache 0.0.1

Conditional cache implementation

19,165 下載

active_cacher 0.1.0

Module for caching results of method invocations.

4,503 下載

active_campaign 0.1.16

A simple ruby wrapper for the ActiveCampaign API

539,280 下載

active_campaign_crm 0.2.1

A basic API wrapper for active campaign

13,382 下載

active-campaign-rails 0.2.3

See for more information

395,836 下載

active_campaign_rb 1.0.0

Ruby wrapper around active campaign api

5,333 下載

active_campaign_ruby 0.1.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

2,649 下載

active-campaign-simple 0.4.1

Simple Ruby REST wrapper for the ActiveCampaign

14,368 下載

active_campaign_webhooks 0.4.0

Structs and Helpers for Active Campaign webhooks

18,628 下載

active_campaign_wrapper 0.7.1

ActiveCampaign REST API

15,805 下載

active_cart 0.0.18

You can use active_cart as the basis of a shopping cart system. It's not a shopping car...

179,190 下載

active-cart 0.0.1

You can use active-cart as the basis of a shopping cart system. It's definately not com...

9,951 下載

active_cash 0.1.3

Write a longer description or delete this line.

9,257 下載

active_charts 1.0.1

Charting toolset that integrates into ActiveRecord and ActionView for fast, easy busine...

2,845 下載

activechronology 0.2.0

Easily scope and order by timestamps in your ActiveRecord models.

6,844 下載

activecleaner 0.3.3

ActiveCleaner is a set of helpers that helps you in cleaning user-typed content in your...

67,950 下載

active_client 0.1.0

Declare HTTP client classes that can be run by a variety of adapters.

2,222 下載

active_cmis 0.3.6

A CMIS library implementing both reading and updating capabilities through the AtomPub/...

233,231 下載

active_cmis2 0.3.9

A CMIS library implementing both reading and updating capabilities through the AtomPub/...

4,320 下載

ActiveCohort 0.0.1

Quickly product cohort reports from active record data.

3,142 下載

active_collab 0.0.3

activecollab ruby

17,551 下載

active_collection 0.2.6

A lazy-loading, Array-like collection proxy for ActiveRecord that understands condition...

52,561 下載

active_column 0.2

Provides time line support and database migrations for Cassandra

48,680 下載

activecommand 0.3.1

ActiveCommand adds the ability to use the command pattern commonly seen in CQRS.

20,377 下載

active_command 0.1.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

2,617 下載

active_comparison_validator 0.1.3

This gem provides a macro for comparing the column and the other column of the record. ...

12,020 下載