RubyGems Navigation menu


active-asari 0.0.2

ActiveAsari is a Ruby interface for AWS CloudSearch. It uses Asari as a foundation and...

5,417 下載

active_asset 0.0.1a

An application to process files and other files

2,441 下載

active_assets 1.1.3

A Railtie that provides an asset management system for css, javascript, and sprites in ...

194,742 下載

activeasync 0.2.1

Provides async methods ruby objects for queuing background jobs. Currently supports Res...

34,657 下載

active_attack 0.1.19

Rails Engine for MITRE ATT&CK

11,292 下載

active_attr 0.16.0

Create plain old Ruby models without reinventing the wheel.

10,264,468 下載


An extension of the active_attr gem, adding Arrays and Hashes as valid attribute types....

7,209 下載

active_attributes 0.0.1

Your MaybeSQL to rule them all

6,780 下載

activeaudit 0.1.5

Audit support for Active Record

45,066 下載

active_audit 1.0.0

Library for auditing record changes.

6,758 下載

active-audit 0.2.6

ORM extension to track model changes. It also support keeping record of who made the ch...

21,773 下載

active_authentication 0.2.0

A pure Rails authentication solution. Inspired by devise, but with a pure Rails impleme...

433 下載

activeaws 0.1.2

Managing aws resources with active way.

6,217 下載

active_aws 0.1.0

Provides utility classes, helpers and decorators to the AWS Ruby SDK v2

4,026 下載

active_bacon 0.0.0

Implementing pathfinding for Rails records

5,082 下載

active_batch 0.0.4

Allows handling batch of ActiveJobs

13,138 下載

active_beaneater 0.1.1

Simple beanstalk backend for Rails's ActiveJob.

6,615 下載

active-behavior 0.2.1

Put each association into it's own behavior module. This makes testing and organizing ...

17,972 下載

activebilling 0.0.3

Billing for Rails

1,086 下載

active_billing 0.0.3

Billing for Rails

1,106 下載

active-billing 0.0.3

Billing for Rails

1,088 下載

active_blocks 0.0.0

ActiveBlocks is an implementation for manage decorators, form objects and operations.

3,796 下載

active_blog 0.9.0

ActiveBlog is a Rails Engine for Blogging

56,033 下載

active_blur 0.1.0

Active Blur is an Active Record extension library to enable creating indexes, updating ...

10,262 下載

active_bomb 0.9.1

ActiveResource resource base for the Giant Bomb API

10,521 下載

active_bookings 0.1.1

Make ActiveRecord models bookable with availability rules, schedule etc.

4,711 下載

active_bootstrap_skin 0.1.5

Bootstrap skin for ActiveAdmin.

40,917 下載

active_brainz 0.3.1

ActiveRecord integration with the MusicBrainz database

9,937 下載

active_breadcrumbs 0.6.1

This gem makes it easy to generate breadcrumb trails in a Rails application. The emphas...

18,888 下載

activebridge 0.1.0


1,470 下載