av 0.9.0
Programmable Ruby interface for FFMPEG/Libav
1,714,116 下載
ava 0.1.0
Ava allows you to remotely control code in another process or on another system using T...
3,144 下載
availabiliter 1.1.1
A pure ruby library that simplifies calculation of gaps between time slots.
5,313 下載
availability 1.0.0
Use modular arithmetic and residue classes to calculate schedule availability for dates...
12,176 下載
availability_scheduler 0.1.0
This gem allows scheduling availability for resources, including weekly schedules and s...
200 下載
available_time 0.1.1
Gem to find available time in a day
8,635 下載
availablizer 1.0.3
Converting string to availablize.
13,728 下載
availity_client 0.3.2
HTTP wrapper for Availity API
17,996 下載
avalanche-cli 0.1.2
A small command line interface library for quickly building cli apps.
17,553 下載
avalanche-rails 1.2.0
A build of the jQuery LiveType Plugin, written by written by Tobal San, packaged for th...
830,293 下載
avalara 0.2.0
This library provides Ruby calls to interact with the Avalara Tax API
50,534 下載
avalara_sdk 24.2.29
API for evaluating transactions against direct-to-consumer Beverage Alcohol shipping re...
3,886 下載
avalon 0.0.3
Provide a simple validation method and validator class for Ruby
9,532 下載
avalon-mmRouter-rails 0.0.1
his gem provides javascript framework Avalon mmRouter for your Rails 3+ application.
3,431 下載
avalon-rails 1.5.6
This gem provides javascript framework Avalon for your Rails 3+ application.
27,916 下載
avalon-wowza 0.2.0
Wowza Streaming Engine support for the Avalon Media System
10,013 下載
avangate 0.2.6
Avangate integration for Ruby on Rails using their SOAP API with Savon. Methods #login
39,123 下載
avantage 0.1.0
A Ruby client to the Alpha Vantage API
30,004 下載
avante_rails 0.0.4
Highly customizable, plugable and mobile friendly css framework.
14,052 下載
avantgarde 0.3.0
Avantgarde checks your projects' dependencies for outdated packages and informs you by ...
5,691 下載
avanti 0.1.0
Avanti is a base Rails project that you can upgrade. Use Avanti if you're in a rush...
2,665 下載
AvantiConveniences 1.0.7
AvantiConveniences is a set of convenience code for Ruby on Rails applications.
11,007 下載
avant_utils 0.0.1
Códigos Ruby reutilizados em projetos da Avant
1,954 下載
ava_rails_generator 0.0.3
rails generator for avasys corp.
9,585 下載
ava_rb_toolbox 0.0.1
Small useful additions to ruby standard classes
4,641 下載
avarteq-email2sms 0.5.1
Free and pure Ruby E-Mail to sms gateway including an extensible filterchain to filter ...
10,157 下載
ava_scaffold_generator 0.0.3
scaffold generator for avasys corp.
9,714 下載
avataaars 0.2.2
Ruby wrapper library to call to avataaars React component using NodeJS
12,810 下載
avatar 0.2.0
Adds support for rendering avatars from a variety of sources.
35,731 下載
avataree 0.6.4
Ruby DSL for Gravatar profile and images
46,908 下載