RubyGems Navigation menu


asger 1.0.5

A persistent daemon that watches an AWS autoscaling group for changes and dispatches yo...

12,068 下載

asgit 0.4.0

A simple query interface for git.

43,189 下載

asg-rebooter 0.0.3

See summary.

6,042 下載

ash 0.0.2

Tool for Android security assessments

4,748 下載

asha79-rack_revision_info 0.3.4

Rack middleware showing current git (or svn) revision number of application

10,447 下載

ash-adb 0.3.0

A gem that can be used to interface wtih Android's Debug Bridge to view and manage Andr...

18,778 下載

ashbb-string_more 0.0.1

StringMore adds useful features to the String class

5,119 下載

asherah 0.5.2

Asherah is an application-layer encryption SDK that provides advanced encryption featur...

58,772 下載

ashiba 0.7.0

Use Ashiba to generate directory hierarchies according to templates

1,624 下載

ashidiqi_temperature_check_gem 1.1.0

Converts Celsius to Fahrenheit

249 下載

ashikawa-ar 0.1.3

Deprecated ArangoDB ODM. Go to guacamole instead.

8,632 下載

ashikawa-core 0.14.0

Ashikawa Core is a wrapper around the ArangoDB REST API. It provides low level access a...

73,162 下載

ashladh_palindrome 0.1.0

Palindrome exercise

2,421 下載

ashley_empty_gem2 0.2.2

Empty gem for testing purposes

587 下載

ashleym1972-cache-money 0.2.9

Cache utilities.

16,802 下載

ashleym1972-syslog_logger 1.6.3

An improved Logger replacement that logs to syslog. It is almost drop-in with a few cav...

13,497 下載

ashleym1972-SyslogLogger 1.6.0

An improved Logger replacement that logs to syslog. It is almost drop-in with a few cav...

4,054 下載

ashleyw-simplelogger 0.0.2

ParseConfig provides simple parsing of standard *nix style config files.

7,233 下載

ashmont 0.11.1

ActiveModel-like objects and helpers for interacting with Braintree.

19,413 下載

ashola 0.0.0

A simple hello world gem, asongala.

3,382 下載

ashrewdmint-chirpy 0.8.4

Lets you easily interact with Twitter's API; post status updates, search Twitter, and m...

10,440 下載

ashton 0.1.6

Extra special effects, such as shader, for the Gosu game-development library

36,428 下載

ashtonw-slather 1.8.2

Test coverage reports for Xcode projects

3,460 下載

ashvin_gem 0.1.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

2,853 下載

ashvinps_palindrome 0.2.0

Lear enought Ruby palindrome detector

4,128 下載

ashwood_palindrome 0.3.0

Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector

6,101 下載

ashwood_view_tool 0.1.0

Generates dynamic HTML data for Rails applications.

2,482 下載

asian_character 0.0.3

Provides some functions of Chinese

7,874 下載

asian_character_image 0.0.1

to know what the character looks like

7,765 下載

asianodds 1.0.0

Asianodds Disclaimer: This gem is not officially developed by Asianodds and does not be...

4,996 下載