RubyGems Navigation menu


ampercoin 0.0.1

A simple cyptocurrency based on bitcoin

4,132 下載

ampercoin-cli 0.0.1

A command line interface to the cryptocurrency ampercoin

4,159 下載

ampere 1.2.3

An ActiveRecord/Mongoid-esque object model for the Redis key/value data store.

45,900 下載

amperka 0.1.1

Top Secret

7,406 下載

ampersand_x 0.0.2

&X brings expressiveness back to Ruby procs

8,047 下載

ampersat 1.0.1

Calculates which email domains your subscribers use

11,238 下載

ampex 3.0.0

Why would you want to write { |x| x['one'] } when you can write &X['one'], why indeed.

251,051 下載

amp-front 0.2.0

The generic front-end used by Amp. May be completely published as a generic library in ...

11,141 下載

amp-git 0.2.0

This gem provides git support to Amp. It is bundled with Amp itself.

11,285 下載

amp_helper 0.1.3

AmpHelper provides extra view helpers.

18,110 下載

amphibian 0.0.4

Amphibian is a ruby library for accessing and interacting with an Apache mod_proxy_bala...

15,353 下載

amp-html 1.2.1

amp-html is a universal solution to integrate the AMP Project (Accelerated Mobile Pages...

35,928 下載

ampify 0.0.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

3,040 下載

ampize 0.1.5

ampize replace tags to AMP specific tags and remove prohibited tags and attributes.

13,859 下載

amp-jekyll 1.0.3

A Jekyll plugin to generate Accelerated Mobile Pages.

48,390 下載

ampk 0.0.5

AMPK is simple archive format which allows contents to be encrypted or signed using a...

7,646 下載

ample_assets 0.0.7

Drag and Drop Asset Management

26,431 下載

amplify 1.1.2

AmplifyJS is a set of components designed to solve common web application problems with...

18,915 下載

amplifypay_ruby 1.0.11

Ruby client bindings for the AmplifyPay API

9,571 下載

amplify_syndication 0.1.1

Provides a Ruby interface for interacting with the Amplify Syndication API.

335 下載

amplitude-api 0.4.2

Provides an integration for sending events to Amplitude

2,595,360 下載

amplitude-experiment 1.5.0

Amplitude Experiment Ruby Server SDK

776,419 下載

amplitude-rb 0.2.1

Provides a simple Ruby library to communicate with the Amplitude HTTP API.

71,311 下載

amply-ruby 0.0.1

Amply Gem to Interact with Amply's API in native Ruby

1,915 下載

am_pm 0.1.0

am pm

930 下載

amp_palindrome 0.1.0

Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector

2,494 下載

amp-pure 0.5.0

Version Control in Ruby. Mercurial Compatible. Big Ideas. (Pure-Ruby version)

6,371 下載

ampstart-blog-post 0.1.0

A jekyll theme using AMP

2,907 下載

ampsy 0.1.2

Ampsy API wrapper

6,314 下載

ampt 0.2.2

This is a command line client for the Acoustics Media Player (amp).

26,102 下載