RubyGems Navigation menu


amazing-activist 0.6.0

Another take on Command Pattern.

3,665 下載

amazing_auth_rails 0.1.0

Provides authentication features for Ruby on Rails applications, including user login a...

140 下載

amazing-gem 0.6.9

I do nothing. Cause I do not want harm you.

772 下載

amazing_print 1.7.2

Great Ruby debugging companion: pretty print Ruby objects to visualize their structure....

20,803,009 下載

amazing_pry 1.0.0

Replaces your application's console with pry powered by amazing_print.

4,877 下載

amazing_rails_console 0.4.4

Enhance rails console by using amazing_print, pry and several pry plugins. And useful p...

3,090 下載

amazomania 1.0.0

at, as any product, can get lowest price, shop name, shipping price...etc

2,877 下載

amazon 0.0.1


56,620 下載

amazon2irc 7.11.2017.020025

Pulls down Amazon deals via spidering or RSS feed, checks it for keywords, then sends i...

53,340 下載

amazon-album-art 0.3.5

A specialized Amazon AWS gem for finding Album Art running on top of the 'sucker' gem

39,719 下載

amazon_associate 0.7.0

interfaces with Amazon Associate's API using Hpricot

6,489 下載

amazon_associate_report 0.0.2

amazon affiliate

5,210 下載

amazon-associates 0.7.2

amazon-associates offers object-oriented access to the Amazon Associates API, built on ...

20,886 下載

amazon_auth 0.8.0

Login amazon.

46,795 下載

amazon-awis 0.1.0

Ruby Amazon Alexa web information service REST API

7,061 下載

amazon-bedrock-ruby 0.1.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

454 下載

Amazon_Best_Sellers 1.0.0

Scrapes the Amazon Best Sellers page for the department names and the top three product...

3,576 下載

amazon_book 0.2.0

Use it to parse Amazon book links (extract ISBNs etc.)

6,797 下載

amazon_book_ez 0.1.0

This is a CLI gem that returns a list of top Amazon book best sellers and the books' de...

2,734 下載

amazon_bundler 0.1.0

Add multiple items to an Amazon Cart with one link.

2,969 下載

amazon-chime-sdk-rails 2.0.1

amazon-chime-sdk-rails provides server-side API implementation for Amazon Chime SDK as ...

31,774 下載

amazon_deets 0.2.0

Scrapes product details from an Amazon product page

15,705 下載

amazon_dp 0.0.4

Amazon Description of Product page parser

17,469 下載

amazon-drs 0.0.7

amazon-drs is for Amazon Dash Replenishment Service. You can use this after authorized ...

18,875 下載

amazon-ec2 0.9.17

A Ruby library for accessing the Amazon Web Services EC2, ELB, RDS, Cloudwatch, and Aut...

1,184,597 下載

amazonecho 1.0.9

Creating Alexa skills made easy

7,832 下載

amazon_echo 0.1.2

Simple client that supports requests and responses for amazon echo

9,628 下載

AmazonEchoJS 0.0.07

AmazonEchoJS is an executable to monitor Amazon echo for voice commands.

23,845 下載

amazon-ecs 2.6.0

Generic Amazon Product Advertising Ruby API.

1,455,578 下載

amazon-ecs-eb 2.2.12

Generic Amazon Product Advertising Ruby API with exponential backoff.

4,383 下載