RubyGems Navigation menu


allowable 1.1.0

Filter hash keys based on allowed and forbidden values.

277,554 下載

allowance 0.2.0

A general-use permission management library with support for ActiveModel.

33,040 下載

allowed 0.2.1

Throttling of ActiveRecord model creations.

40,200 下載

allowed_params 0.0.4

Allow to filter and validate params on rails controllers

14,826 下載

allow_numeric 0.1.0

This gem provides easy way to restrict numeric input to input fields using jquery and i...

31,068 下載

allows 0.3.0

Simple Authorization for Rails

9,837 下載

allowy 2.1.0

Allowy provides CanCan-like way of checking permission but doesn't enforce a tight DSL ...

194,273 下載

alloy 0.0.2

CLI Toolbelt for Titanium Mobile development on Mac OS X.

10,138 下載

alloy-api 0.0.7

A wrapper for the API. Helps to build KYC policy support into applications.

9,185 下載

alloy-js-test-san 0.1.1

A JavaScript test runner which runs from the comfort of the terminal. OS X only.

7,702 下載

alloy-kicker 1.9.3

A simple OS X CLI tool which uses FSEvents to run a given shell command.

30,859 下載

alloy-kyc 0.1.4

Gem to wrap the API

128,350 下載

alloy-microgem 0.2.0

MicroGem provides a simple naive replacement for the `gem install' command in the form ...

10,838 下載

alloy_sdk 0.1.0

Run Alloy workflows from a ruby server.

1,143 下載

allpay 0.0.8

Allpay vAccount API

27,451 下載

allpay_client 2.0.2

歐付寶(Allpay)API 包裝

42,253 下載

allpay_invoice 0.1.0

allpay_invoice API

10,177 下載

allpay_vaccount 0.0.1

Write a longer description. Optional.

4,257 下載

allpay-web-service 1.1.1

Basic API client for Allpay credit card Web Service.

8,937 下載

allplayers 0.1.5

A Ruby interface to the AllPlayers API.

20,286 下載

allplayers_imports 0.1.0

A Ruby tool to handle import spreadsheets into AllPlayers API.

5,180 下載

allport 0.1.2

A Rails engine for contact management

5,971 下載

allPositions 0.0.3 api

8,391 下載

allpurpose 0.0.1

Get a freight cost estimate from AllPurpose Removals and Storage

5,504 下載

allq 0.3.97

Ruby gem for using AllQ

123,927 下載

allq_client 1.1.1

Allq API Client

48,484 下載

allq_rest 1.5.2

Allq API Client

89,767 下載

allrecipes 1.2.0

A Ruby wrapper for A simple interface to scrape recipes from allrecipes...

15,058 下載

allscripts_api 0.8.0

The allscripts_api gem wraps a set of Allscripts APIs, including ...

16,922 下載

allscripts_unity_client 6.0.0

Provides a simple interface to the Allscripts Unity API using JSON. Developed at health...

176,073 下載