a_little_less 0.2.4
Basic web framework in Ruby.
9,260 下載
alive 0.1.0
A more complex health check for Ruby on Rails apps for services such as sidekiq / redis...
173 下載
alive_state 1.1.0
Alive Application State on Rails.
32,741 下載
aliyun 0.7.0
Ruby wrapper of Aliyun API for system administrator. Current for aliyun API version...
32,045 下載
aliyun-api 0.1.2
Used for aliyun ecs api
36,253 下載
aliyun_chatbot 0.1.0
aliyun chatbot sdk
2,560 下載
aliyun-cloudpush 0.2.0
aliyun cloud push
6,317 下載
aliyun-cloud_sms 0.2.3
Send short message via aliyun cloud service.
48,948 下載
aliyun_dypns 0.1.1
aliyun dypns sdk
4,185 下載
aliyun-dysms 0.0.2
4,822 下載
aliyun_dysms_sdk 0.1.1
aliyun dysms sdk
2,831 下載
Aliyun email push sdk.
6,991 下載
aliyun-ess 0.1.7
Full documentation of the currently supported API can be found at
21,351 下載
aliyun_exmail_csv_generator 0.1.0
Read the names from input, generate a csv file for importing accounts of aliyun exmail.
2,901 下載
aliyun-facebody 1.0.0
Ruby Implements For Aliyun FaceBody API
599 下載
aliyun_green 0.1.4
Write a longer description or delete this line.
4,590 下載
aliyun_iot 0.2.0
Aliyun IoT sdk
11,121 下載
aliyun_live 0.1.1
aliyun live sdk
5,037 下載
aliyun-log 0.2.13
Aliyun Log SDK for Ruby 阿里云日志服务(SLS) Ruby SDK, 目前仅实现基于Restfull部分接口和简单Model映射
23,626 下載
aliyun_mns 0.1.11
aliyun mns http api for topic
15,509 下載
aliyun_mns_queue 0.0.2
ruby client for aliyun mns queue without topic
5,395 下載
aliyun-mqs 0.1.1
Non-official SDK for Aliyun MQS
7,529 下載
aliyun-mq-sdk 0.1.2
Aliyun MQ actions, send order message, receive, delete.
7,054 下載
aliyun-mts 0.0.0
Ruby SDK for Aliyun MTS API development
3,127 下載
aliyun-nlp_api 0.1.0
2,465 下載
aliyun_nlp_ruby 0.0.2
Aliyun NLP ruby sdk
2,479 下載
aliyun-odps 0.4.2
It is a full-featured Ruby Library for Aliyun ODPS API. Enjoy it!
11,225 下載
aliyun_open_search 0.6.0
Aliyun OpenSearch Syncs and Search
30,391 下載
aliyun-opensearch-client 0.1.2
对接Aliyun Opensearch 的流量API HTTP接口, 生成签名并发送请求
1,807 下載
aliyunoss 0.2.4
Access Aliyun-OSS service easily in ruby.
14,401 下載