RubyGems Navigation menu


active_warnings 0.1.5

Separate ActiveModel::Validations for warnings.

110,670 下载

activewave 0.0.7

A Wrapper For Waveapps graphql API

9,629 下载

active_webhook 1.0.0

Simple, efficient, and extensible webhooks for Ruby, including: Rate Limits, Cryptograp...

6,927 下载

activeweek 0.1.0

ActiveSupport based Object Oriented API represents week

2,991 下载

activewepay 1.0.9

ActiveModel style WePay interface.

64,216 下载

active_window_x 0.2.2

ActiveWindowX is a gem to observe an active window on Linux (X Window System).

35,658 下载

active_workbench 0.0.1

Active Workbench gem generates ActiveRecord Model files from a MySQL Workbench .mwb fil...

10,274 下载

active_worker 0.51.0

Uses a Configuration/Controller pattern to allow easy implementation and organziation o...

10,639 下载

active_workflow_agent 0.1.0

Helper library for writing ActiveWorkflow agents.

2,639 下载

active_worksheet 0.1.3

Work with local and remote worksheets like ActiveRecord/ActiveResource models.

8,003 下载


Ruby FFI based bindings for the SDK.

10,092 下载

active_wrapper 0.4.9

Wraps ActiveRecord and Logger for use in non-Rails environments

179,670 下载

active_wrapper-ar2 0.4.9

Wraps ActiveRecord and Logger for use in non-Rails environments

57,570 下载

active_wrapper-solo 0.4.9

Wraps ActiveRecord and Logger for use in non-Rails environments

57,152 下载

active_xml 0.0.4

Gem provides a number of methods to easily move through xmls

26,967 下载

activeyaml 1.3.0

framework for convenient and complete work with Yaml files

4,503 下载

active_yaml 0.0.1

A simple key/value storage built on top of YAML::Store with an ActiveRecord like interface

10,816 下载

active_youtube 1.0.0

Active Youtube allows consuming YouTube API in your Ruby/Rails project using ActiveReso...

11,081 下载

active_zone 0.3.1

A nameserver-agnostic library to manage DNS zones with Active Model

1,269 下载

active_zuora 2.6.0

ActiveZuora - Zuora API based on ActiveModel and auto-generated from your zuora.wsdl.

895,361 下载

activigit 0.1.0

Visualize commit over time into a beautifull graphic

2,446 下载

activist 0.0.8

Redis and database based activity stream in Rails 3 applications

60,146 下载

activite 0.2.0

A Ruby interface to the Withings API.

7,257 下载

activiti 0.1.0

3,649 下载

activities 0.1.1

A framework for aggregating social activity.

19,518 下载

activities_feed 0.0.3

Create an incremental activities feed applying a feedable role to Models

8,634 下载

activiti_konektor 0.0.1

Very simple client for Activiti Rest

5,295 下载

activiti_mirror 0.1.0

activiti_mirror is a tool, which use to upload activit file to qiniu and download it

3,170 下载

activiti-ruby 0.0.2

A Ruby library to interact with an activiti instance (a BPM engine), see http://activit...

17,149 下载

activity 0.0.1

Logging engine for Ruby on Rails 3

8,197 下载