activejob_spec 1.0.0
RSpec matcher for ActiveJob
3,972 下载
activejob-stats 8.0.1
Placeholder by RubyGems Security Team
6,029 下载
active_job_status 1.2.1
Job status and batches for ActiveJob. Create trackable jobs, check their status, and ba...
248,520 下载
activejob-status 1.0.2
Monitor your jobs
957,123 下载
active_job_store 0.5.0
ActiveJob Store permits to store jobs state and custom data on a database
3,384 下载
activejob-traceable 0.4.2
Patches ActiveJob to add trace_id attribute.
316,198 下载
activejob-trackable 0.1.3
Get more control into your jobs with the ability to track (debounce, throttle) jobs
9,652 下载
activejob-trackable2 0.3.0
Get more control into your jobs with the ability to track (debounce, throttle) jobs
3,353 下载
activejob-traffic_control 0.1.3
Traffic control for ActiveJob: Concurrency/enabling/throttling
1,815,767 下载
activejob-uniqueness 0.3.2
Ensure uniqueness of your ActiveJob jobs
4,457,860 下载
activejob-users 0.0.3
Pass a user through to your active_jobs for context
11,453 下载
activejson 0.1.4
Simple template engine for JSON views
34,980 下载
active_json 0.0.2
Easy JSON storage.
3,350 下载
active_json_cli 0.1.4
Query JSON files from the command line
8,657 下载
activejsonmodel 0.1.6
A library for creating Active Models that can serialize/deserialize to JSON. This inclu...
4,780 下载
active_json_schema 0.1.2
ActiveJsonSchema extends ActiveRecord models to generate JSON Schema representations, i...
665 下载
active_k 0.1.0.pre.pre.alpha
A lightweight gem to interact with KsqlDB
361 下载
activek8s 0.4.2
Kubernetes integration to Rails apps via Rake tasks
20,382 下载
active-keso 0.1.1
A way to get cottage cheese out off activerecord
10,543 下载
activekit 0.6.1
Add the essential kit for rails ActiveRecord models and be happy.
8,456 下载
active_kms 0.1.1
Simple, secure key management for Active Record encryption
8,866 下载
active_ksql 0.1.0.alpha.1
Kafka ksqlDB ORM for Ruby
2,141 下载
active_kv 0.1.0
Get redis relational
4,201 下载
active_lastfm 1.0.1 client for Ruby (and Rails) based on ActiveResource
18,809 下载
active_layer 0.0.10
Subscribing to single responsibility principility ActiveLayer aims to provide a layer o...
20,161 下载
activeldap 7.2.1
'ActiveLdap' is a ruby library which provides a clean objected oriented interface t...
745,954 下载
activeldap3 1.2.3
working towards getting active ldap to work on rails 3
12,387 下载
active_ldap-dynamic_finders 0.1.0
ActiveLdap dynamic finders
5,216 下载
activeldap-fabrication 1.0.1
'ActiveLdap Fabrication' is an ActiveLdap adapter for Fabrication. It means that you ca...
20,315 下载
active_leonardo 0.9.0
This generator help you to create new Rails applications to combine with active admin g...
111,526 下载