aws-sdk-ruby 9001.0
This gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
4,856 下载
aws-sdk-ruby-record 9001.0
This gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
2,734 下载
aws-sdk-s3 1.182.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). This gem is part o...
841,468,193 下载
aws-sdk-s3control 1.104.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS S3 Control. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
64,964,738 下载
aws-sdk-s3outposts 1.45.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon S3 on Outposts (Amazon S3 Outposts). This gem is part ...
31,635,861 下载
aws-sdk-s3tables 1.4.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon S3 Tables. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
504,869 下载
aws-sdk-sagemaker 1.293.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon SageMaker Service (SageMaker). This gem is part of the...
80,591,925 下载
aws-sdk-sagemakeredgemanager 1.41.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Sagemaker Edge Manager. This gem is part of the AWS SD...
30,586,086 下载
aws-sdk-sagemakerfeaturestoreruntime 1.46.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon SageMaker Feature Store Runtime. This gem is part of t...
29,695,683 下载
aws-sdk-sagemakergeospatial 1.29.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities. This gem is part of...
10,806,051 下载
aws-sdk-sagemakermetrics 1.29.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon SageMaker Metrics Service (SageMaker Metrics). This ge...
10,474,832 下载
aws-sdk-sagemakerruntime 1.79.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon SageMaker Runtime. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for...
75,518,454 下载
aws-sdk-savingsplans 1.57.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Savings Plans (AWSSavingsPlans). This gem is part of the ...
42,958,387 下载
aws-sdk-scheduler 1.29.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon EventBridge Scheduler. This gem is part of the AWS SDK...
11,733,501 下载
aws-sdk-schemas 1.51.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Schemas. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
41,166,424 下载
aws-sdk-secretsmanager 1.113.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Secrets Manager. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
131,059,064 下载
aws-sdk-securityhub 1.130.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS SecurityHub. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
64,414,142 下载
aws-sdk-securityir 1.3.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Security Incident Response. This gem is part of the AWS SDK f...
507,289 下载
aws-sdk-securitylake 1.37.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Security Lake. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
10,866,400 下载
aws-sdk-serverlessapplicationrepository 1.74.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWSServerlessApplicationRepository. This gem is part of the A...
72,689,762 下载
aws-sdk-servicecatalog 1.110.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Service Catalog. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
79,442,021 下载
aws-sdk-servicediscovery 1.82.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Cloud Map (ServiceDiscovery). This gem is part of the AWS...
73,215,137 下载
aws-sdk-servicequotas 1.52.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Service Quotas. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
47,335,244 下载
aws-sdk-ses 1.82.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES). This gem is part of...
104,648,756 下载
aws-sdk-sesv2 1.72.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES V2). This gem is part...
47,606,462 下载
aws-sdk-sfn 1.0.0.rc4
This gem is deprecated, please use `aws-sdk-states` instead. This gem is part of the AW...
12,290 下载
aws-sdk-shield 1.79.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Shield. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
77,637,851 下载
aws-sdk-signer 1.69.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Signer (signer). This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
63,479,049 下载
aws-sdk-simpledb 1.62.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon SimpleDB. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
75,805,622 下载
aws-sdk-simspaceweaver 1.30.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS SimSpace Weaver. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
10,816,588 下载