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aws-dynamic-ip 0.0.1

Fetch IP of ec2 instances based on tags

1,652 下载

aws-dynamodb-query 0.1.16

Executes low level API DynamoDB Query with less memory. Visit

31,009 下载

awsec 0.1.3

Open and close AWS Security Group from the terminal for more secure operations

30,061 下载

aws-ec2 1.4.9

Simple tool to create AWS ec2 instances consistently with pre-configured settings

65,479 下载

aws_ec2_dns_name 0.1.6

Simpler interface to AWS EC2 dns name

28,877 下载

aws-ec2-dns-name 0.1.2

Simpler interface to AWS EC2 dns name

7,176 下载

aws_ec2_environment 0.1.0

Interact with AWS EC2-based Ruby apps easily

2,285 下载

aws-ec2-instance_types 2.0.0

Retrieve an up to date list of valid AWS EC2 Instance Types directly from Amazon Web Se...

35,461 下载

aws-ec2-list 0.2.4

list all ec2 instances

15,659 下载

awsecrets 1.15.1

AWS credentials loader

1,946,590 下载

aws-edges 0.8

AWS Edges is used to chart out your AWS environments

9,709 下载

aws-elasticsearch 0.1.0

Ruby client for AWS ElasticSearch

6,749 下载

aws_elb_health_check 0.1.1

Rails engine to provide a healthcheck suitable for AWS ELBs

7,405 下载

aws_email_bounce 0.1.1

get Bounce email list

3,214 下载

aws-embedded-metrics-customink 0.8.0

Amazon CloudWatch Embedded Metric Format Client Library for Ruby.

86,615 下载

aws-eni 0.6.0

A command line tool and client library to manage AWS Elastic Network Interfaces from wi...

41,603 下载

aws-es-transport 0.1.4

Elasticsearch Transport for AWS V4 Signing

717,295 下载

aws-eventstream 1.3.1

Amazon Web Services event stream library. Decodes and encodes binary stream under `vnd....

1,020,729,644 下载

aws-ext 0.1.2

Extensions for aws-s3

16,643 下载

aws-flow 3.1.0

Library to provide the AWS Flow Framework for Ruby

756,209 下载

aws-flow-core 1.0.1

Library to provide all the base asynchronous constructs that aws-flow uses

292,542 下载

aws-fluent-plugin-kinesis 9001.0

This gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...

2,795 下载

aws-glacier 0.0.1.alpha

Command line utility to send and retrieve data from AWS Glacier.

2,517 下载

aws-google 0.2.2

Use Google OAuth as an AWS credential provider.

16,601 下载

aws-graph 0.0.5

Draw AWS security based network graph with Graphviz

14,243 下载

awshark 1.6.0

Custom CLI for for AWS to simplify common tasks with EC2, S3 and Cloud Formation

9,486 下载

aws-healthcheck 2.0.0

Mounts a Rack app at /healthcheck that returns a 200 for AWS load balancers

1,406,519 下载

aws_helper 0.0.12

== DESCRIPTION: Aws Helper for an instance == FEATURES: Allows functions on EBS vol...

34,859 下载

awshucks 0.0.1

TODO: A longer more detailed description of awshucks.

6,031 下载

aws-iam-authenticator-rb 0.1.0

AWS IAM Authenticator distributed as a Rubygem.

6,397 下载