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awis4ruby 0.9.0

== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Up-to-date Ruby client * Allows simple access to most popular ...

8,668 下载

awis-sdk-ruby 2.1.0

Ruby - Amazon Alexa Web Information Service Library (AWIS)

128,545 下载


Ruby - Amazon Alexa Web Information Service Library (AWIS)

3,900 下载

awis-wrapper 3.0.0

Easy to use, to navigate around the response

28,858 下载

awkward 1.0.0

Awkward helps you walk your Object Graph and output a dot file suitable for viewing in ...

6,021 下载

awkward_turtle 0.0.4

An animated awkward turtle for your terminal

23,178 下载

awlify 0.0.2

this takes a string, searching for any words that have AWL synonyms, then randomly subs...

3,724 下载

awl_tags_twitter 1.0.2

Grab tags from The Awl posts and tweet them out. This isn't anything crazy

13,894 下载

awonwon 0.0.2

Try To Make A Ruby Gem

7,316 下载

awoo 0.0.0

A placeholder until I come up with a better use for the namespace.

2,807 下载

awrence 3.0.0

Have you ever needed to automatically convert Ruby-style snake_case to CamelCase or cam...

30,354,054 下载

awry 0.1.0


2,025 下载

aws 2.10.2

AWS Ruby Library for interfacing with Amazon Web Services including EC2, S3, SQS, Simpl...

3,140,086 下载

aws2sshconfig 0.0.1

Generate SSH configs from AWS info

3,902 下载

aws2-ssm-env 0.1.1

Set parameters acquired from AWS EC2 Parameter Store as environment variables.

2,798 下载

aws3upload 1.0.7

Simple aws s3 upload app

20,219 下载

aws4 0.0.2

The approach is HTTP library agnostic, so you must supply method, uri, headers, and body

211,158 下载

aws4-nycda 0.0.1

The approach is HTTP library agnostic, so you must supply method, uri, headers, and body

3,493 下载

aws4_signer 0.2.1

Simple signer module implements AWS4 signature

46,856 下载

aws_access_key_scan 0.1

Scans your computer for easy to find AWS Access Keys

4,387 下载

aws_account_number 0.3.1

You can get AWS Account Number by AWS API

11,590 下载

aws_account_utils 0.1.4

A set of helper methods that are webdriven.

11,499 下载

aws-actiondispatch-dynamodb 1.0.0

Amazon Dynamo DB as an ActionDispatch session store

29,298 下载

aws-actionmailbox-ses 0.1.0

Amazon Simple Email Service as an ActionMailbox router

30,035 下载

aws-actionmailer-ses 1.0.0

Amazon Simple Email Service as an ActionMailer delivery method

115,523 下载

aws-activejob-sqs 1.0.1

Amazon Simple Queue Service as an ActiveJob adapter

41,994 下载

awsadm 0.1.1

Manage your AWS resources from the command-line.

4,520 下载

aws_agcod 0.1.0

Amazon Gift Code On Demand (AGCOD) API v2 implementation for ...

166,593 下载

aws_agcod_2 1.1.1

Amazon Gift Code On Demand (AGCOD) API v2 implementation for distributing Amazon gift c...

4,546 下载

aws-alert-monitor 0.1.0

I watch an SQS queue and escalate alert messages.

24,348 下载