RubyGems Navigation menu


auto 0.1.4

Automate everything!

31,730 下载

Auto 4.0.0.alpha.1

A simple and smart multi-protocol bot (currently supports IRC) which allows for eas...

2,813 下载

auto_add_name 1.0.2


7,349 下载

auto_admin 0.0.4

AutoAdmin: an Admin UI that prefers hints over directions

8,321 下载

auto_alert 0.2.0

A plugin for Rails which makes it easy to specify conditions to raise or resolve alert ...

3,870 下载

auto_annotate 0.2.0

Automatically annotate your Rails models whenever you run a db:migrate

15,238 下载

autoapi 0.1.14

Testing Description

1,768 下载

auto_api 0.0.7

AutoApi generates a RESTful API on the fly. If you call gets on items that do not exis...

12,692 下载

autoapi_testing 0.1.9

Testing Description

1,534 下载

auto_ar 0.0.2

A gem that makes ActiveRecord subclasses on the fly

10,716 下载

autoargs 0.1.2

Automatically parses command-line arguments

7,915 下载

auto_assigner 0.1.0

remove before_action each controller

3,038 下载

auto-assignment 0.0.2

Auto assign model resource and collection from controller

8,972 下载

AutoAssignment 0.0.0

Automatic task assignment based on task priority,employee skill_level and employee work...

2,342 下载

autoattr 0.0.1

Override Ruby's method_missing? to dynamically add attr_accessible

5,023 下载

auto_attr_init 0.0.1

Auto attribute initialization.

4,537 下载

autoaudio 0.0.5

Automatically download scene .nfo and .nzb files

17,706 下载

auto_auth 0.0.4

Simple authentication templates ready to be customized.

12,349 下载

auto_auth_spec 0.2.3

Simple gem that allows you to automatically spec your controllers authentication checks.

10,766 下载

auto_autoloader 0.0.5

Autoload constants in natural subfolders from the original class in Ruby with a single ...

91,772 下载

auto_awesomplete 0.1.2

Gem provide scripts and helpers for initialize different awesomplete elements: stat...

14,565 下载

auto_awesomplete_tag 0.0.4

ActionView helper method for initialize awesomplete elements

6,052 下载

autobahn 0.3

Enterprise Ruby on Rails

31,119 下载

autobench 0.0.1alpha7

Autobench is a ruby based web page benchmarking tool, wrapping other popular utiliies. ...

16,802 下载

auto-bidder 0.2.0

gem for automatically placing bids on auction sites

10,747 下载

autobot 0.0.1

Create hubot from scratch in seconds!

5,054 下载

autobots 0.2.3

Loading and serializing models in bulk with caching

20,244 下载

autobots_license 1.0.0

instruction that the response is powered by autobots

3,730 下载

auto_breadcrumbs 0.3.1

Automatically add breadcrumbs to each page by using locales

29,687 下载

autobrewster 0.0.3

Combines PhantomJS and Imagemagick to provide screenshot-based comparison for CSS regre...

11,653 下载