RubyGems Navigation menu


asyncomni 1.0.0

Asyncomni is an engine, which can be used with a rails application for omniture integra...

19,957 下载

async_paperclip_uploader 0.1.0

Async paperclip uploader

2,291 下载

async_partial 0.7.0

render asynchronously for the speed!

24,655 下载

async_pipeline 0.1.0

Define a pipeline of async tasks and their starting conditions

122 下载

async_play 0.2.0

Wait for completion of the asynchronous procedure to obtain thats results.

6,652 下载

async-pool 0.6.1

A singleplex and multiplex resource pool for implementing robust clients.

5,305,110 下载

async-postgres 0.1.0

Access postgres without blocking.

8,896 下载

async-process 1.3.1

Asynchronous process spawning.

102,725 下载

async-proxy 0.1.1

turn any object into an async version of itself, so that all method calls will run asyn...

15,400 下载

async-rack 0.5.1

Makes middleware that ships with Rack bullet-proof for async responses.

536,487 下载

async_rack_test 0.0.6

Extends rack-test to make working with EventMachine easier.

32,836 下载

async-rails 3.0.1

Rails asset pipeline wrapper for async.js

181,015 下载

async_rb 0.1.1

library of simple asynchronous utilities for ruby

5,625 下载

async_record 0.0.2

Asynchronous ORM for Ruby

10,553 下载

async-redis 0.8.1

A Redis client library.

232,898 下载

async_request 1.0.0

Perform background jobs and ask for the result in a simple way.

174,426 下载

async_resource_pool 0.2.0

Async resource pool for fibers.

3,771 下载

async_response 0.0.2

Handle async call using Sidekiq.

7,297 下载

async-rest 0.13.0

A library for RESTful clients (and hopefully servers).

1,205,470 下载

asyncron 0.1

Takes a cron expression, a payload and a callback for later execution

2,544 下载

async-rspec 1.17.0

Helpers for writing specs against the async gem.

293,426 下载

async-ruby-vips 1.2.1

Non-blocking transformation and image writing in Ruby, powered by VIPS.

3,566 下载

async-ruby-zip 1.0.0

Non-blocking zip reading and writing for Ruby.

3,590 下载

async-runner 0.1.2

Abstract runner with container-based parallelism using threads and processes where appr...

630 下载

async_scheduler 0.1.1

This is a task scheduler which implements the FiberScheduler interface

302 下载

async-sequel 0.1.0

Asynchronous adaptors for Sequel.

2,770 下载

async_service 0.1.5

The gem provides an abstraction for asynchronous workers that poll data from a queue an...

9,556 下载

async-service 0.12.0

A service layer for Async.

21,684 下载

async_sinatra 1.3.0

A Sinatra plugin to provide convenience whilst performing asynchronous responses inside...

710,367 下载

async-slack 0.3.0

Build Slack bots and use real time messaging.

12,600 下载