RubyGems Navigation menu


action_report 0.0.1

FIX (describe your package)

9,283 下载

action_reporter 1.5.1

Ruby wrapper for multiple reporting services

11,539 下载

action_requires 1.0.2

action_requires was developed by: markbates

30,946 下载

action_resource 0.0.0

Presentation layer for easy creation of Forms, derived fields, formatted values, with s...

4,296 下载

actions 0.1.0


3,403 下载

actionscaffold 0.3.5

Better default templates for Rails scaffold generator.

22,928 下载

action_scheduler 0.1.0

Description placeholder

3,624 下载

action_scribe 0.0.0

Action Scribe is the foundation of AlexaRailsKit SSML output. It allows for easy render...

2,799 下载

action-segue 1.1.0

Control Rails redirect flows with smarter redirect logic

10,480 下载

action_sentinel 0.3.0

This gem enables access authorization control, based on the access permission settings ...

2,718 下载

action_sentinel_group 0.1.0

Group access authorization control, based on controllers actions access permissions usi...

2,029 下载

action_sequence 0.1.3

A small gem for managing sequences of actions over a shared-context

7,042 下载

action-server 0.0.1

Action server

4,250 下载

actionservice 0.3.0

Adds WSDL/SOAP and XML-RPC web service support to Action Pack

46,148 下载

action_service 2.1.0

Is where you can add your code to do simple functionality instead of make complex contr...

55,962 下载

actionset 0.11.0

Easily filter, sort, and paginate collections.

69,107 下载

action_shipping 0.1.0


2,528 下载

action_short_message 0.1.0

Refenrence dballona/action_short_message. SMS/Text Messages gem, just like ActionShortM...

1,297 下载

actionslack 0.1.2


5,765 下载

actionsms 0.0.4

Like ActionMailer, but for SMS

11,122 下载

action_sms 0.1.1

Switch between SMS Gateways at a whim without modifying your application code or tests

45,638 下载

action_smser 3.4.1

ActionSmser == SMS && ActionMailer. Simple way to use SMS (Short Message Service) in th...

113,682 下载

action_sms_gateways 0.0.7

SMS Gateway Adapters to use with action_sms

56,660 下载

action_sprout-method_object 0.2.0

A simple class method that makes it super easy to create a method object taking keyword...

6,197 下载

actionsrb 0.0.1


2,579 下载

action_state 1.0.0

Quickly define model state predicates and scopes at the same time.

1,634 下载

actionstore 0.3.2

Push data into Svelte stores from Rails

4,087 下载

action-store 1.1.3

Store difference kind of actions (Like, Follow, Star, Block ...) in one table via Activ...

54,758 下载

actionstream 0.0.0

My incoming Karafka related project

2,146 下载

action_subscriber 5.3.3

ActionSubscriber is a DSL that allows a rails app to consume messages from a RabbitMQ b...

426,987 下载