asciidoctor-godoc 0.1.0
An Asciidoctor extension that adds support for a 'godoc' macro to asciidoc document...
847 下载
asciidoctor-html5ruby 0.0.2
This package provides a macro of the ruby element of html5 for asciidoctor.
8,076 下载
asciidoctor-html5s 0.5.1
Semantic HTML5 backend (converter) for Asciidoctor This converter focuses on correct s...
55,008 下载
asciidoctor-htmlbook 0.0.6
Asciidoctor HTMLBook is an Asciidoctor backend for converting AsciiDoc documents to HTM...
13,761 下载
asciidoctor-i18n 0.1.4
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
20,838 下载
asciidoctor-include-ext 0.4.0
This is a reimplementation of the Asciidoctor's built-in (pre)processor for the include...
28,949,982 下载
asciidoctor-indir_ext 0.1.4
This Asciidoctor extension exposes a variable `indir`, which holds the path to the dire...
10,573 下载
asciidoctor-indir-extension 0.1.5
This Asciidoctor extension exposes a variable `indir`, which holds the path to the dire...
477 下载
asciidoctor-instant-articles 0.1.3.pre
Instant Articles back-end for Asciidoctor.
7,391 下载
asciidoctor-interdoc-reftext 0.5.3
Asciidoctor extension providing implicit (automatic) reference text (label) for inter-d...
27,627 下载
asciidoctor-iso 0.10.4
asciidoctor-iso lets you write ISO standards in AsciiDoc syntax. This gem is in active...
54,285 下载
asciidoctor-jenkins-extensions 0.9.0
a collection of Asciidoctor extensions which enable more advanced formatting in Jenkins...
431,867 下载
asciidoctor-json-value-loader 0.2.1
Adds asciidoctor a funciton to load specific JSON value from JSON file (See: https://g...
1,077 下载
asciidoctor-katex 0.4.1
Asciidoctor extension that converts latexmath to HTML using KaTeX at build-time
19,528 下载
asciidoctor-katex-2 0.0.1
Asciidoctor extension to render Katex mathematics server side to HTML fast with Schmooze
2,957 下载
asciidoctor-kindle 0.2.0
Asciidoctor extension for converting html to mobi
5,182 下载
asciidoctor-kroki 0.10.0
An extension for Asciidoctor to convert diagrams to images using
25,930,079 下载
An extension for Asciidoctor that converts AsciiDoc documents to LaTeX and provides LaT...
77,699 下载
asciidoctor-lazy-images 0.0.6
Avoid high server loads by making images load lazily
7,551 下载
asciidoctor-legal 0.0.1
Asciidoctor legal extension
3,123 下载
asciidoctor-lists 1.1.2
An asciidoctor extension that adds a list of figures, a list of tables, or a list of an...
45,010 下载
asciidoctor-m3d 0.3.6
asciidoctor-m3d lets you write M3AAWG Documents (M3D) in AsciiDoc syntax. This gem is ...
16,338 下载
asciidoctor-mathematical 0.3.5
An Asciidoctor extension to converts latexmath equations to SVG or PNGs
122,829 下载
asciidoctor-mathjax3 0.0.1
Asciidoctor Plugin that converts latexmath using Mathjax 3
2,417 下载
asciidoctor-mathml 0.1.1
AsciiDoctor extension to convert STEM to MathML
3,027 下载
asciidoctor-mermaid 0.4.1
Asciidoctor mermaid extension
13,503 下载
asciidoctor-metanorma_sample 0.3.3
Sample Metanorma Asciidoctor gem. This gem is meant to be customised for any downstrea...
2,611 下载
asciidoctor-multipage 0.0.19
An Asciidoctor extension that generates HTML output using multiple pages
112,111 下载
asciidoctor-nabetani 0.1.4
An assortment of things I needed to make a Japanese PDF document with asciidoctor.
8,964 下载
asciidoctor-p2e 0.3.0
Asciidoctor Pathfinder 2E Extension
13,934 下载