RubyGems Navigation menu


asciiart 0.3.0

A command line tool to turn images into ASCII art

43,125 下载

ascii_art 0.4.2

Using this gem, you can create ASCII style drawings in your command line, which you can...

5,503 下载

asciiartist 0.1.0

Spruce up your code base with Ascii Art available directly from the command line!

3,138 下载

ascii_binder 1.2

AsciiBinder is an AsciiDoc-based system for authoring and publishing closely related do...

122,752 下载

ascii_binder_gabriel_rh 0.0.1

AsciiBinderGabrielRH is an AsciiDoc-based system for authoring and publishing closely r...

544 下载

asciibook 0.1.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

16,339 下载

ascii_book 0.0.0

AsciiBook is a tool for converting AsciiDoc documents into books.

2,736 下载

ascii_border 0.0.1

A simple ascii border

2,489 下载

asciibuild 0.10.0

Orchestrate and document processes by inlining executable code into an Asciidoc document

23,807 下载

ascii_cards 1.0.0

Simple yet fancy ASCII printer for playing cards

2,791 下载

asciichart 1.0.0

Renders data series as an ASCII-style bar chart

4,515 下载

ascii_chart 0.2.0

Nice-looking lightweight console ASCII line charts ┈╯

4,985 下载

ascii_charts 0.9.1

Library to draw simple ASCII charts (x,y graph plots and histograms)

639,232 下载

ascii-charts 0.9.3

Library to draw simple ASCII charts (x,y graph plots and histograms)

6,379 下载

asciidammit 0.0.7

Convert text to ascii

22,010 下载

asciidammit2 0.2.0

A straight port of used for a work project, made into a gem to be used e...

7,102 下载

ascii_data 0.1.2

Just browse the specs and check it out

19,016 下载

ascii-data-tools 0.9

A tool for decoding and modifying ASCII CDRs.

5,618 下载

asciidoc 0.0.2

A gem to parse AsciiDoc documents into Ruby models and convert to HTML / PDF

20,470 下载

asciidoc-bib 2.4.5

asciidoc-bib generates in-text references and a reference list from an asciidoc file, u...

27,323 下载

asciidoc-merger 0.2

Merge different asciidoc files into 1 big file.

5,020 下载

asciidocsy 0.3.0

A Jekyll theme and executable (adxy) for building tech docs.

7,352 下载

asciidocsy-jekyll-theme 0.3.0

A Jekyll theme and executable (adxy) for building tech docs.

4,014 下载

asciidoctor 2.0.23

A fast, open source text processor and publishing toolchain for converting AsciiDoc con...

44,390,068 下载

asciidoctor-accelerated-mobile-pages 0.1.5.pre

Accelerated Mobile Pages back-end for Asciidoctor.

9,307 下载


An Asciidoctor extension that generates AsciiDoc output

1,403 下载

asciidoctor-bespoke 1.0.0.alpha.2

An Asciidoctor converter that generates the HTML component of a Bespoke.js presentation...

5,285 下载

asciidoctor-bibliography 0.11.0

asciidoctor-bibliography lets you handle citations and bibliography the "asciidoctor-wa...

56,642 下载

asciidoctor-bibtex 0.9.0

asciidoctor-bibtex is an Asciidocotor extension that adds bibtex support for AsciiDoc d...

128,144 下载

asciidoctor-bilibili 0.0.0

An Asciidoctor extension for bilibili

2,363 下载