ar_preconnect 0.1.0
Adds the `preconnect!` method to `ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionPool`. Wi...
8,802 下载
ar-preloader 1.1.0
ar-preloader lets you fetch the selected associations for a list of ActiveRecord objects.
5,509 下载
ar_pretty_sql 0.1.0
This is a debugging tool to inspect your Active Record queries in a developer-friendly way
1,553 下载
arp-revolver 0.1.7
To switch mac address for static arp endpoint. This invokes arping command for hea...
11,041 下载
ar_properties 0.0.2
This gem turns off schema introspection in favor of declaring properties in your models...
9,648 下载
ar_protobuf_store 1.0.2
Like Ar::Store, but with Protocol Buffers
23,866 下载
arproxy 1.0.0
Arproxy is a proxy layer that allows hooking into ActiveRecord query execution and inje...
3,877,845 下载
arproxy-plugin-mysql_casual_log 0.1.0
Plug-in that colorize MySQL bad query for Arproxy.
3,798 下载
arproxy-query_caller_location_annotator 0.1.0
Append query caller to each ActiveRecord's query log.
38,360 下载
arpry 0.5.1
Explore database without Rails
11,766 下载
arp_scan 0.1.1
Use the arp-scan utility from your ruby programs.
25,792 下载
arpscanner 0.4.1
A wrapper for the package arp-scan. It can detect if a found MAC address belongs to a R...
15,967 下载
ar_publish_control 0.0.9
Add start/end publishing dates to your ActiveRecord models.
6,200 下载
arq 0.3.1
A service skeleton framework heavily inspired by LightService with the primary goal of ...
4,470 下载
arql 0.4.12
Use ActiveRecord and Pry as your favorite SQL query editor.
113,372 下载
a_r_q_logger 1.0.0
count of querying
14,173 下载
arqo 0.3.0
Easing the query object pattern in Rails applications.
5,924 下载
arquanator 0.0.2
Write a gem description
4,407 下载
ar_query 0.0.1
A utility class for building options for ActiveRecord.find.
6,112 下载
ar-query-matchers 0.8.0
These RSpec matchers allow guarding against N+1 queries by specifying exactly how many ...
258,728 下载
arquivo 0.3.4
Processa documentos do condominio ph1341c118 para arquivo. Pode tambem segmentar PDFs e...
38,028 下载
arr 22.0.0
Is Perfect Square?
8,390 下载
arr2hash 0.1.0
The arr2hash gem provides a simple way to convert a 2D array into an array of hashes. T...
520 下载
arrabiata 0.4.0
dead simple conversion of roman <> arabic numerals
15,727 下载
arrangeable 0.1.5
Arrangeable provides an organized and seamless way to sort your ActiveRecord objects by...
10,706 下载
arrangement 0.0.2
An easy way to follow the "Arrange, Act, Assert" pattern in your Ruby on Rails tests
3,674 下载
arrate 0.0.1
Custom templates for Rails generators
4,687 下载
array 1.0.0
Event-hooked Array, Sorted Array, Unique Array, Sorted-Unique Array, Downward-Compositi...
5,894 下载
array_2d 0.2.0
Create mutable 2D arrays that allow you to change subarrays.
11,938 下载
array_2d_simple 0.3.0
Implementation of 2D array
16,701 下载