ariejan-valerii 1.1.0
Convert integers to short strings and vice versa.
7,327 下载
ariejan-warcraft_armory 1.0.1
Retrieve character information from the World of Warcraft Armory
7,410 下载
ariel 0.1.0
Ariel uses machine learning to assist in extracting information from semi-structured d...
11,349 下载
arielvalentin-paperclip 2.3.6
Easy upload management for ActiveRecord
5,803 下载
aries 0.2.0
Aries is a iOS(Swift), Andorid(not yet, but future) HTTP client generator for APIs repr...
6,698 下载
ariesms 1.0
An unofficial Ruby library for AriesMS rankings
2,590 下载
aries_ruby_cli 0.0.11
Aries Ruby gem to run Aries activities written in Ruby.
17,967 下载
aries_ruby_utils 0.0.2
Utility functions to help working with Aries activities.
5,024 下载
aries-sdk-ruby 0.0.9
Ruby wrapper for aries-sdk
18,538 下载
ariete 1.1.0
Ariete is capturing module for STDOUT & STDERR.
29,215 下载
ariete-rspec 0.1.0
An extension of Ariete for RSpec.
4,389 下载
ari_fetch 0.0.10
38,062 下载
arigato 0.1.5
Generate HTML or JSON, YAML, CSV from your Gemfile
24,375 下载
arigato_rails 0.1.2
Provides special thanks page generated from your Gemfile.
8,741 下载
ari_gem 0.0.3
Simple hello world gem
15,376 下载
arii 1.8
ARiiP: integrate everything. Automated real-time integration & interoperability pla...
47,213 下载
arika-ruby-termios 0.9.6
Termios module is simple wrapper of termios(3). It can be included into IO-family clas...
7,361 下载
arikui1911-hatenadiary 0.0.3
A client for Hatena Diary to post and delete blog entries.
13,584 下载
arikui1911-tinytest 0.0.2
TinyTest rips off minitest-1.3.1. It is a simple testing library.
4,146 下载
arin 0.1.5
ActiveRecord Integrity checking tool
11,250 下载
ar_inception 0.1.0
Extension to ActiveRecord 3.x to provide parallel transaction scopes.
4,366 下载
ar_indexer 0.3.2
Allows for reverse indexing selected ActiveRecord models. Handles searching and return ...
22,474 下载
arin-rws 0.0.5
ARIN Restful Web Services
22,485 下载
ar_interval 0.1.1
Tools for Interval columns for ActiveRecord
2,634 下载
arin-whois 1.2.0
Ruby wrapper for ARIN's REST interface to whois/POC data
14,290 下载
arios_first_gem 0.1.0
oen for experiment
2,768 下载
ariossw-db2s3 0.2.5
db2s3 provides rake tasks for backing up and restoring your DB to S3
4,242 下载
ariranha 0.0.3
Backs up databases and sends them to multiple clouds
9,045 下载
arisaid 0.6.1
Configure the slack by yaml files.
13,428 下载
aris-control 3.3.1
Manage aris apps from the command line. Add, delete or list them.
35,577 下载