RubyGems Navigation menu


app-themer 0.4.6

App Themer is a rails generator inspired by web-app-theme that allows you to quickly ge...

21,232 下载

appthwack 0.1

API client for Appthwack

6,578 下载

app_token_api 1.0.2

The Hydrogen Admin API

3,532 下载

app-tools 1.18.0

Generate IPA files with correct Swift and symbol files for uploading to iTunesConnect. ...

84,949 下载

AppTower-ubistrano 1.2.1

Provision and deploy to an Ubuntu/God/Apache/Passenger stack using Capistrano

10,826 下载

apptrail-application-events-sdk 0.0.5

Send audit logs from your Ruby applications using the Apptrail Application Events SDK f...

5,882 下载

apptuit-fluent-plugin 0.1.3

To find the fingerprints for errors

6,056 下载

app_up 1.0.2

Git wrapper for running scripts

9,694 下载

appurify 0.5.2

API client for Appurify

11,740 下载

appush_client 0.6

Ruby client library for Appush PUSH service.

26,140 下载

app_version 0.2.8

App Version Gem originally App Version Rails Plugin from

76,943 下载

app-version-git 0.0.4

Show version number based on git commit counts and enable to show change log from commi...

18,782 下载

app_version_tasks 0.2.5

Rake tasks to manage application semantic version.

22,648 下载

appveyor-api 0.0.1

Gem to wrap AppVeyor API for simpler interactions with the AppVeyor Api

3,080 下载

appveyor-worker 0.2.1

Access to AppVeyor Build Worker API

11,763 下载

App_View_Tool 0.1.0

"this test is for my thing im doing with thing"

2,866 下载

appwebtech_copyright_tool 0.1.0

Provides generated HTML data for Ruby on Rails apps.

2,712 下载

appwrite 14.0.0

Appwrite is an open-source self-hosted backend server that abstract and simplify comple...

56,457 下载

appx 1.0.2

Read .appx file manifests.

8,049 下载

appyantra_admin 0.0.1

Rails 3 engine for managing an app's assets, users, pages, blog, SEO and Social Media I...

5,461 下载

appydave-tools 0.13.0

AppyDave YouTube Automation Tools

9,308 下载

appydays 0.12.2

appydays provides support for env-based configuration, and common structured logging ca...

15,297 下载

appygram 1.0.5

Discovers topics and sends messages

49,831 下载

appygram-rails 1.0.6

appygram-rails sends uncaught Rails exceptions as traces to the hosted messaging servic...

49,164 下载

app-yml-rails 0.1.2

An awesome app.yml gem for Rails. Supports App.settings.nested_setting syntax, all/prod...

14,406 下载

apraez_view_tool 0.1.0

Adds general HTML data to Rails apps.

2,440 下载

apralib 1.0.0

A Ruby client for the Apra Service

19,430 下载

aprendizaje_maquina 0.1.4

This is a gem to help ruby developers to write machine learning algorithms easier and f...

14,263 下载

apress-api 1.24.2


20,330 下载

apress-changelogger 0.0.1


6,947 下载