apachecrunch 0.6
Apache Crunch is an analysis tool for Apache logs. You write little scripts to do the ...
29,267 下载
apache_felix_api_client 0.1.1
API for interacting with an Apache Felix system.
5,240 下载
apache_felix_webconsole_client 0.1.1
Client for Apache Felix Web Console API. List bundles, configure services, etc.
5,009 下载
apache_image_resizer 0.0.9
Apache module providing image resizing functionality.
36,097 下载
Apache Log4j 2 is an upgrade to Log4j that provides significant improvements over its p...
10,096 下载
apache-loggen 0.0.5
dummy apache-log generator
20,072 下载
apache-log-geo 0.0.4
An offline GeoIP CLI filter for Apache (common, combined) logs. It's like grep but with...
7,947 下载
apache_log_parser 1.1.0
Library to easily parse standard Apache log files.
11,525 下载
apache_log-parser 3.1.2
Parse apache log including common, combined and customized format
27,992 下载
apachelogregex 0.1.0
Apache Log Regex is a Ruby port of Peter Hickman's Apache::LogRegex 1.4 Perl module. ...
48,354 下载
apache_log_report 1.1.11
Generate requests reports in HTML, OrgMode, and SQLite format from an Apache log file. ...
34,369 下载
apache_log_tail 0.0.3
Presents lines from an Apache log file that were written since the previous invocation....
13,507 下载
apache_secure_download 0.2.2
Apache module providing secure downloading functionality, just like Mongrel Secure Down...
73,576 下载
apache_server_status 0.1.2
A simple ruby gem that provides a pretty web interface to track apache server status in...
6,812 下载
apache_sling_api_client 0.1.0
API for interacting with a Sling system.
3,032 下载
apache_upload_merger 0.0.3
Apache module providing upload merging functionality.
15,166 下载
apache-vhosts-parser 0.2.1
Parses apache2 vhosts. Have a look at the spec files to see how the API works!
11,334 下载
ap_active_merchant 1.5.2
6,492 下载
apadmi_grout 2.7.0
Apadmi build tool utils for use through Fastlane on Android and iOS.
72,316 下载
a-panzer 1.0.0
A. Panzer game
4,564 下载
ApApiTools 0.1.2
Various Tools to interact with AP from a console. Bulk upload, Image downloads
6,741 下载
a_parser_client 0.1.12
Gem allowing to use A-Parser API simple way.
23,411 下载
apartment 2.2.1
Apartment allows Rack applications to deal with database multitenancy through ActiveRecord
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apartment_acme_client 0.0.10
Manage/renew Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates for sites which respond to many different d...
19,236 下载
apartment-activejob 0.0.1
Enable ActiveJob to work with Apartment multi-tenancy
204,999 下载
apartment-activejob-que 1.0.1
Enable ActiveJob to work with Apartment multi-tenancy with Que support
19,816 下载
apartmenthunter 0.2.0
CLI based scraper to find apartments in the NYC area. Based on several parameters such ...
5,594 下载
apartment_job 1.0.0
ActiveJob wrapper to enable Apartment multi-tenancy for background jobs
5,306 下载
apartment_ratings 1.1.1
Ruby client for ApartmentRating API
16,359 下载
apartments 0.2.1
Provides details on a user selected apartment in NYC
4,808 下载