RubyGems Navigation menu


alphabetify 1.0.0

Taking an existing alphabetic hash (of any length), will return the next hash in sequen...

13,109 下载

alphabetize 0.1.3

Alphabetizes your Gemfile

23,258 下载

alphabet-rocker 0.1.1

Write a longer description or delete this line.

5,042 下载

alphabets 1.0.2

alphabets - alphabet (a-z) helpers incl. unaccent, downcase, variants, and more

15,252 下载

alphabet_soup 0.1.0

With this gem, a user can set a custom alphabet and alphabatize words with it

3,237 下载

alpha_card 0.4.1

Gem for creating sales with Alpha Card Services

60,578 下载

alphadecimal 1.1.2

Convert integers to base62 strings (A-Za-z0-9) and back. Ideal for url shorteners like ...

33,077 下载

alpha_dog 0.0.3

A happy dog which likes to walk

7,720 下载

alpha_ess 1.2.3

a Ruby class for Alpha-Ess-API-Calls

3,662 下载

alphalang 0.3.0

Abstract Syntax Tree building language with a recursive descent parser

5,361 下载

alphamail 1.0.7

The official gem for sending transactional emails via Comfirm's cloud service AlphaMail

37,608 下载

alpha-math 0.0.2

The alpha-math is a Ruby gem which allows you to solve some problems related to the num...

4,832 下载

alphanumeric_secure_random 1.0.0

Simple Gem to generate random alphanumeric secure random string

2,410 下载

AlphaNumericToken 0.0.1

generate aplha numeric token using alpha numeric token gem.

3,123 下载

alpha_omega 1.5.15

Common reciples for persistent capistrano releases

1,659,309 下载

alpha-one 0.5.0

A Jekyll theme designed for enhanced readability of (long) blog posts

38,859 下载

alpha_pag 0.0.0

Simple helper method to add alphabetical pagination.

5,605 下载

alphapoint 0.1.7

Alphapoint websocket DSL is to easy request and listen event

19,728 下载

alpharb 0.2.1

A Ruby library to query the Alpha Vantage API.

4,600 下载

alphaSDK 0.2.8

Ruby SDK for Gameball's API

13,836 下载

alphasights-business_time 0.3.0

Have you ever wanted to do things like "6.business_days.from_now" and have weekends and...

6,406 下载

alphasights-compass 0.8.12

Compass is a Sass-based Stylesheet Framework that streamlines the creation and maintain...

4,286 下载

alphasights-iban-tools 0.0.5

Validates IBAN account numbers

7,561 下载

alphasights-integrity 0.1.10

Your Friendly Continuous Integration server. Easy, fun and painless!

24,163 下载

alphasights-prawn 0.10.4

Prawn is a fast, tiny, and nimble PDF generator for Ruby

32,837 下载

alphasights-sinatra-sprockets 0.1.1

Use Sprockets effectively with Sinatra.

37,941 下载

alphasign 0.3.1

Alphasign is handles communication with LED signs using the Alpha Sign Protocol. These ...

24,141 下载

alpha-simprini-engine 0.0.4

Comes with some plugins configured and some coffeescript/css/assets preloaded for JOY

20,306 下载

alphatau 0.1.0

SDL gem for ruby

3,154 下载

alpha-thm 0.1.6


2,665 下载