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aliyunoss-activestorage-adapter 0.1.5

A plugin that enables Rails App using Aliyun OSS, this gem depends on aliyunoss gem.

3,067 下载


Client library for Aliyun's Open Storage Service's REST API

4,386 下载


Client library for Aliyun's Open Storage Service's REST API

3,653 下载

aliyun-oss-ruby-sdk 0.4.1

A Ruby program to facilitate accessing Aliyun Object Storage Service

3,614 下载

aliyun-oss-sdk 0.1.8

Aliyun OSS Ruby SDK

79,395 下载

aliyun-oss-sync 0.0.1

Sync script for aliyun OSS

4,672 下载

aliyun-push 0.1.0

Ruby SDK for Aliyun push service

3,217 下载

aliyun-rails 0.1.22

支持 Rails 轻松访问阿里云服务,例如:弹性云主机(ECS)、负载均衡(SLB)、云监控(CloudMonitor)等。当前已支持短信服务、语音服务,可以直接调用!

57,531 下载

aliyun-rds 0.0.1

Ruby wrapper of Aliyun RDS API for system administrator. Current for aliyun RDS API...

4,119 下载

aliyun_ruby_api 0.0.3

Ruby API client for using Aliyun ECS

11,322 下载

aliyun-sdk 0.8.0

A Ruby program to facilitate accessing Aliyun Object Storage Service

19,937,995 下载

aliyunsdkcore 0.0.17

Alibaba Cloud Ruby Core SDK

87,093 下载

aliyun-sdk-core 0.1.5

The core gem for all Aliyun API gems. Do not use it directly.

8,359 下载

aliyun-slb 0.0.1

Ruby wrapper of Aliyun SLB API for system administrator. Current for aliyun SLB API...

4,034 下载

aliyun_sls 0.0.7

Gem for SLS of Aliyun

18,500 下载

aliyun_sls_ruby3_sdk 0.10.0

Gem for SDK of SLS of Aliyun

640 下载

aliyun_sls_sdk 0.0.9

Gem for SDK of SLS of Aliyun

20,064 下载

aliyun_sms 0.1.0

This is a ruby gem helps to use aliyun sms in ruby way.

2,949 下载

aliyun-sms 1.1.1

A Ruby Gem for using aliyun sms service, in accordance with aliyun sms 2017-05-25 versi...

15,022 下载

aliyun_sms_ruby 0.0.5

Aliyun sms ruby sdk

6,242 下载

aliyun-sms-ruby-sdk 0.0.1

Aliyun can support stable service on phone code and email, it is a good choise.

2,958 下载

aliyun-sms-with-10dlc 1.1.5

A Ruby Gem for using aliyun sms service, in accordance with aliyun sms 2017-05-25 versi...

5,477 下载

aliyun-vms 0.0.3

A Ruby Gem for using aliyun vms service, in accordance with aliyun vms 2017-05-25 versi...

6,113 下载

alkesh-gemedit 0.0.3

A utility to view a gem's source in your favorite editor

9,709 下载

alkesh-ghost 0.2.8

Allows you to create, list, and modify local hostnames

6,277 下载

alki 0.14.0

Alki (AL-kai) is a Dependency Injection framework for Ruby. Helps organize and scale yo...

47,657 下载

alki-console 0.7.1

Developer console for Alki applications

18,520 下载

alki-dsl 0.6.0

Library for defining and using DSLs

21,222 下载

alki-loader 0.2.5

Library for loading non-traditional ruby files

16,187 下载

alki-rails 0.5.0

Rails integration for Alki

11,670 下载