RubyGems Navigation menu


alimentos-alu0100648782 0.1.0

Descripcion de la gema

2,697 下载

alimentos-alu0100945645 1.0.0

Práctica sobre la información nutricional de un producto específico

4,303 下载

alimentos-alu0101103181 1.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

2,534 下载

alimentos_diego_algomas 0.1.3

Permite crear y realizar operaciones con la representación de los alimentos

2,553 下载

AlimentoSolete 1.0.0

"Clase para gestionar los glúcidos, lípidos y proteínas de un alimento específico"

2,792 下载

ali_mns 0.0.5

Non-official SDK for Aliyun MNS

14,740 下载

al-infrastructure-configuration-storage 0.1.0

Save and load infrastructure configuration

2,634 下载

alinta-cucumber-api 0.5.5

cucumber-api allows API JSON response validation and verification in BDD style.

10,721 下载

alinta-cucumber-rest-bdd 0.5.23

Series of BDD cucumber rules for testing API endpoints

39,444 下载

alinta-ffi 1.9.19

Ruby FFI library

2,839 下载

alinta-rest-client 2.2.0

A simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of...

2,369 下载

alinta-testing 0.4.5

alinta-testing performs common tasks for end to end tests in cucumber.

59,433 下载

ali_ots 0.0.5

Aliyun OTS from ruby client

14,742 下载

alipass 0.0.3


10,280 下载

alipay 0.17.0

An unofficial simple alipay gem

196,538 下载

alipay_dualfun 0.4

This gem can help you integrate Alipay Dual-function Payment.

19,951 下载

alipay_escrow 0.1.3

A Ruby Interface to Alipay Payment Gateway. Unofficial.

8,607 下载

alipay_global 0.0.6

An unofficial simple gem

25,078 下载

alipay_mini 0.1.1

An unofficial simple alipay mini program gem

4,417 下载

aliquot 3.0.0

Validates Google Pay tokens

29,349 下载

aliquot-pay 4.0.1

Generates Google Pay test dummy tokens

34,828 下载

alis 0.0.1

In some cases alias UNIX command can't satisfy you. Alis allows you create more flexibl...

5,895 下载

aliseeks_api 1.0.4

Ruby client library for the Aliseeks API

3,151 下载

alisha 0.1

Shell aliases manager

6,312 下载

alishTest 0.0.2

This is a test gem, to test release process on ruby gem

649 下载

alisms 0.1.1

Write a longer description or delete this line.

4,950 下载

ali_sms 0.0.1


2,711 下载

alis-sdk-ruby 0.13.0

The SDK of the ALIS

4,462 下载

alistairholt-crack 0.1.4

Really simple JSON and XML parsing, ripped from Merb and Rails.

4,300 下载

a_little_less 0.2.4

Basic web framework in Ruby.

9,260 下载