RubyGems Navigation menu


akinlawona_palindrome 0.1.0

Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector

2,274 下载

aki-operations 1.0.0

Manage your users' operations (permissions to execute some actions) in your application.

2,603 下载

akio_view_tool 0.1.0

Provides generated HTML data for Rails Applications.

2,401 下载

akismet 3.0.0

A Ruby client for the Akismet API

34,421,508 下载

akismetor 1.0.0

Spam protection with Akismet and Typepad

196,429 下载

akita-har_logger 0.2.14

Middleware instrumentation for logging HTTP request-response pairs to a HAR file.

27,845 下载

akitaonrails-activerecord-sqlserver-adapter 1.1.1

SQL Server adapter for Active Record

7,747 下载

akitaonrails-dry_scaffold 0.3.3

A DRYer scaffold generator for Rails. Generates dry semantic and standards compliant vi...

4,353 下载

akitaonrails-locarails 1.2.0

A maneira mais simples para instalar aplicacoes Rails na hospedagem Linux da Locaweb.

51,759 下载

akitaonrails-lw-pagto-certo 0.0.5

Integração para o serviço Pagamento Certo, da Locaweb.

14,679 下载

akitaonrails-mygist 0.0.1

encapsulates Gist operations in a library

4,408 下载

akitaonrails-resource_controller 0.5.3

Rails RESTful controller abstraction plugin.

7,792 下载

akitaonrails-shift_subtitle 1.1.1

Easy way to shift time from your SRT subtitle files.

11,675 下载

akitaonrails-utility_belt 1.0.13

A grab-bag of IRB power user madness. -- now with linux

16,839 下载

aki-testrocket 0.0.3

A super lightweight testing library for Ruby

10,890 下载

akiva 0.1.1

Akiva is a simple natural language processing, question-answering artificial intelligen...

12,305 下载

akka 0.0.5

Interface for concurrency in jruby

27,165 下载

akka-actor-jars 2.2.1

Akka Actors JARs from

20,232 下载


This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

10,972 下载

akki 0.0.62

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

40,201 下载

akkordarbeit 0.0.5

Akkordarbeit is a program for formatting simple leadsheets in a simplified ChordPro for...

15,209 下载

aklaiber-mail 0.1.2

Mail Parsing lib

4,386 下载

akm-selectable_attr 0.3.7

selectable_attr generates extra methods dynamically for attribute which has options

21,340 下载

akm-selectable_attr_rails 0.3.7

selectable_attr_rails makes possible to use selectable_attr in rails application

21,168 下载

ak-nmax 0.1.1

Gets n max numbers from input stream

4,645 下载

akpurge 0.1.5

Basic Sinatra app to execute an akamai purge

17,233 下载


A suite of utilities for bringing continous integration to your projects (not the other...

6,024 下载

akr-depq 0.1

depq is a Double-Ended Priority Queue library. It is a data structure which can insert ...

4,360 下载

akro 0.0.8

Akro build - an extreme C++ build system

19,016 下载

akshar 0.1.5

This Gem will change Numbers to Nepali Names. example 100.akshar = "रुपैयाँ एक सय मात्र ।"

26,846 下载