RubyGems Navigation menu


aimastering 1.1.0

This is a AI Mastering API document. You can use the mastering feature of [AI Mastering...

4,432 下载

aims 0.3.0

Support for generation and parsing of input and output files for FHI-AIMS DFT package

14,668 下载

aims_project 0.3.4

This gem simplifies and streamlines the calculation pipeline for FHI-AIMS.

13,175 下载

aims_project_windows 0.3.4

This gem simplifies and streamlines the calculation pipeline for FHI-AIMS.

17,400 下载

aimtp 0.0.2


3,762 下载

aina 0.4.0

Code generation for WordPress

18,850 下载

ai-neat 0.2.5

NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT) ruby gem.

3,857 下载

ai-nlp 0.1.0

This gem contains a grouping of ruby tools related to Artificial Intelligence and Aut...

2,809 下载

ainner 0.12.0

HTML5 Application Assembler

3,462 下载

ai_noto 0.3.1

A gem to send messagesto loved ones

7,247 下载

ainterface 1.0

Provides an abstract interface to Ruby

3,503 下载

aio 0.1.2

Robust library for remotely controlling Arduino boards using the serial port.

7,189 下载

aio_elin 1.1.8


35,803 下载

aioli_log_formatter 0.1.0

Logging formatter for Rails

12,453 下载

aion 0.0.1

A gem for performing time calculations.

4,092 下载

aion-enigma 1.0.0

Small utility for encrypting/decrypting a string based on a shared secret. Based on AES...

5,508 下载

aion-request-translations 1.0.2

A i18n backend for loading per request specific translations for a rails app in a threa...

9,634 下载

aion-s3 1.0.1

A tool for compressing, encrypting and uploading files to AWS S3

4,785 下载

aipim 0.0.8

Teste aipim

19,991 下载

aipim-rails 0.0.182

Teste aipim

105,765 下载

aipp 2.3.1

Parse public AIP (Aeronautical Information Publication) and convert the data to either ...

61,529 下载

aip_validator 0.8.2

Small library to check if AIP doc has valid front matter

2,658 下载

air 0.2

Air provides a consistent interface for calling services offered over AMQP. If you're u...

6,633 下载

air18n 0.5.1

Rails plugin with dyanmic I18n backend for good internationalization.

387,451 下载

air18n_ui 0.0.6

Translation interface for air18n.

14,456 下载

airac 1.0.4

Calculations for AIRAC (Aeronautical Information Regulation And Control) cycles.

30,489 下载

airake 0.4.5

Tasks and generators for Adobe AIR apps

175,678 下载

airavata 0.0.2

The Apache Airavata Ruby SDK for third party clients to integrate with Airavata middleware

3,572 下载

airbadger 0.1.0

To ease the transition when trying out a new error monitoring service, Airbadger can re...

20,275 下载

airbased 0.0.1.pre.alpha

Ruby interface to the Airtable’s API.

172 下载