RubyGems Navigation menu


agiantbird_palindrome 0.1.1

Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector

4,452 下载

agibralter-factory_girl 1.2.1

factory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories - less error...

4,401 下载

agibralter-jammit 0.5.0

Jammit is an industrial strength asset packaging library for Rails, providing both ...

6,891 下载

agideo-pinyin 0.1.1

It can convert chinese to pinyin

11,370 下载

agideo-tablesorter 0.0.1


6,174 下载

agideo_weixin_pay 0.0.6

Write a longer description. Optional.

3,584 下载

agig 0.2.1

another Github IRC Gateway

61,406 下载

agile 0.0.1

Rapid development that uses Caching

3,712 下载

agileanimal-integrity-twitter 1.0.4

Easily let Integrity tweet after each build

14,554 下载

agilebuddy-comma 0.1.0

Fork of comma with support for nested rows

6,614 下载

agile_check_in 0.0.9

Easy check in

43,445 下载

agile-cli 0.0.19

Command line instrument for agile. Our git repo

41,104 下载

agilecrm-wrapper 1.4.2

Ruby wrapper for Agile CRM API.

69,691 下载

agile-isaac 0.0.6

Small DSL for writing IRC bots.

11,181 下载

agilelamp-driver 0.1.5

Userland driver for USB Agile Lamp

29,581 下载

agile_notifier 3.1.2

agile_notifier alerts you via making wonderful noises when your Continuous Integration ...

42,596 下载

agile-proxy 0.1.26

An agile, programmable, controllable proxy server for use standalone or as part of an i...

70,306 下载

agile-proxy-jruby 0.1.26

An agile, programmable, controllable proxy server for use standalone or as part of an i...

12,989 下载


AgileRails, development tool for agile development of in-house (Intranet, business, pri...

222 下载

agile_serializer 0.0.8

A fork of serializer_with_options enabling deep serializer and other features

54,586 下载

agile_solo 0.1.0

A Ruby wrapper for Chef::Application::Solo through HTTP

4,998 下载

agilesyndrome 0.1.0

An OpenSource Rails Engine

7,683 下载

agile_utils 0.3.2

My collection of library that I have used that can be shared across multiple projects

69,972 下载

Agiley-ec2onrails 0.9.10

Client-side libraries (Capistrano tasks) for managing and deploying to EC2 on Rails se...

7,842 下载

agiley-faraday_middleware 0.9.1

Various middleware for Faraday

25,236 下载

agiley-feedzirra 0.0.24

A feed fetching and parsing library that treats the internet like Godzilla treats Japan...

7,004 下载

agiley-youtube-g 0.6.3

youtube-g is a pure Ruby client for the YouTube GData API. It provides an easy way to a...

12,613 下载

agilezen 0.2.0

Ruby wrapper for the AgileZen API

11,998 下载

agilib 0.1.9

agilib description

53,368 下载

agilibox 2.0.0


168,788 下载