after_commit 1.0.11
A Ruby on Rails plugin to add an after_commit callback. This can be used to trigger met...
1,616,067 下载
after_commit_action 1.1.0
Use this module to defer actions to the after-commit hook. This is useful if you want t...
6,596,217 下载
after_commit_changes 1.0.0
Aggregate all changes made to an ActiveRecord model inside a transaction into a single ...
87,881 下载
after_commit_everywhere 1.6.0
Brings before_commit, after_commit, and after_rollback transactional callbacks outside ...
26,514,906 下载
after_commit_exception_notification 0.2.0
Rails: Get notified when an after_commit block blows up
510,814 下载
after_commit_helper 0.0.3
Conditionally execute after_commit for ActiveRecord
6,498 下载
after-commit-on-action 0.0.3
Adds the following callbacks to your ActiveRecord objects and observers: after_commit_o...
24,391 下载
after_commit_queue 1.3.0
Plugin for running methods on ActiveRecord models after record is committed
2,377,731 下载
after_commit_state 0.1.0
Easy way to check model state in after_commit callback
29,898 下载
after_do 0.4.0
after_do is a gem that let's you execute a block of your choice after or before a speci...
455,816 下载
after_do-loader 0.2.0
Apply after_do methods dynamically based on a config file
14,373 下载
after_do-logging 0.5
After do aspect for logging method start and finish.
20,438 下载
after_init_hook 1.1.0
A test plugin for Jekyll's 'gem' config option
23,364 下载
afterlife 1.7.2
Afterlife helps you setup your development environment and deploy code easily
5,954 下载
aftermarket_research 1.1.4
Research and analyze second-hand price information through Craiglist
25,957 下载
after_notifier 0.1.0
You must wait launched process long long time. then, this command can notify you after ...
3,671 下载
afterparty 0.2.0
Rails 4 compatible queue with support for executing jobs later.
30,063 下载
after_party 2.0.0
Automated post-deploy tasks for Ruby/Rails. Your deployment is the party. This is the a...
3,484,980 下载
afterpay 0.6.0
Provides Ruby SDK for AfterPay payment service provider.
9,269 下载
afterpay-ruby 0.1.9
Afterpay ruby wrapper
30,088 下载
afterpay-sdk 2.0.4
Afterpay ruby wrapper
9,130 下载
after_response 0.9.3
AfterResponse provides callbacks into the Passenger2.2, Passenger3 and Unicorn request ...
27,710 下载
aftership 6.0.0
Developed for easy integration with AfterShip
660,082 下载
after_ship 0.0.10
A smallish library to talking to AfterShip via v4 API.
25,112 下载
aftership-tracking-sdk 10.0.0
API Overview Ruby Gem
6,893 下载
after_the_deadline 0.1.3
A ruby library for working with the After The Deadline service.
25,807 下载
after_timestamps 0.2.0
Plugin for Ruby on Rails that gives you a way to add a callback to the ActiveRecord cal...
12,296 下载
after_transaction 0.0.5
Run blocks of code after transaction is commited
22,093 下载
after_transaction_commit 2.2.2
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.after_transaction_commit { ... }
1,160,735 下载
afurmanov-clicase 0.1.11
CliCase extends TestCase with macros simplifying testing command line apps written in R...
24,837 下载