RubyGems Navigation menu


aemcrxpkgmgr 0.2.2

AEM CRX Package Manager script

5,324 下载

aem-deploy 0.1.26

A gem to wrap deployments to Adobe Experience Manager

59,227 下载

aemet 0.0.2

Extracts information from

8,733 下载

aemet_opendata 0.0.2

Extracts weather information from

4,568 下载

aemi 1.2.10

Aemi theme, thought to mimic the Aemi WordPress Theme.

25,200 下载

aemi-seo-tag 0.0.5

A Jekyll plugin to add metadata tags for search engines and social networks to better i...

1,207 下载

aem_lookout 0.0.2

Speeds up iteration loop while developing for AEM/CQ.

8,254 下载

aemninja 0.0.6

Reduces complexity of AEM deployments.

11,455 下载

aemo 0.7.0

Gem providing functionality for the Australian Energy Market Operator data.Supports NMI...

155,934 下载

aenea 0.2.4


9,875 下载

ae_network_connection_exception 1.8.0

Catch exceptions related to establishing a network connection and return a generic error.

254,552 下载

aeolus-image 0.7.0

aeolus-image is a Ruby library used by Conductor to connect with Image Factory and Imag...

20,751 下载

aeon 0.0.1

Aeon is an analysis tool to score the age of your bundles dependencies.

6,285 下载

aeonic 0.0.3

Manipulator of Time

9,967 下载

aeonscope-acts_as_commentable 1.1.0

Allows for comments to be easily added to different models.

7,840 下载

aeonscope-acts_as_list 1.0.0

Allows models to be ordered.

4,413 下载

aeonscope-btech_rest 0.5.3

Ruby on Rails supports RESTful routing out-of-the-box. However, as you move along, you ...

31,715 下载

aeonscope-enhanced_select 1.0.0

Enhances the default capabilities found with the Rails select helper. Instead of being ...

4,421 下载

aeonscope-number_to_fraction 1.0.1

A helper that can format a number into a fraction.

7,857 下载

aeonscope-rest 1.1.0

Ruby on Rails supports RESTful routing out-of-the-box. However, as you move along, you ...

7,821 下载

ae_page_objects 6.3.0

Capybara Page Objects pattern.

362,621 下载

aepic 0.0.4

Build your epic APIs same time you are building your website. Docs included

13,091 下载

aequitas 0.0.2

Library for validating Ruby objects with rich metadata support.

31,698 下载

ae_reverse_proxy 2.2.0

Gem for reverse proxying requests.

7,846 下载


A simple, blogish software build with Sinatra, jQuery, and uses Git for data storage

34,244 下载

aerial_ruby_client 1.1.1

A simple gem that downloads the Aerial Apple TV videos and saves them to a given direct...

9,014 下载

aerials 0.1.0

Sorted json generator. Use it for hash signing.

11,042 下载

aeries-api 1.1.0

A simple REST client for the Aeries SIS API

11,024 下载

aeris 0.1.0

Ruby Gem built for Aeris.

2,580 下载

aero 0.0.1


5,114 下载