adwords4r 19.4.0
Adwords4r provides an easy to use way to access the AdWords API in Ruby. Currently the ...
163,636 下载
adwords_location 0.0.4
Data adwords used for geotargeting.
8,564 下载
adwords_scraper 0.0.2
Scrapes Google Adwords ads using Mechanize
10,281 下载
adx_toolkit 0.0.1
Toolkit for Core ADX
2,437 下载
adyen 2.4.0
Package to simplify including the Adyen payments services into a Ruby on Rails applicat...
902,081 下载
adyen-admin 0.0.18
A little Gem to make your life easier when dealing with Adyen skins
86,100 下载
adyen_client 0.1.0
Does not try to be smart, stays close to the documentation while adhering to ruby conve...
6,252 下载
adyen-cse-ruby 1.1.3
Adyen's Client Side Encryption (CSE) library for Ruby.
139,704 下载
adyen-cse-ruby-2 2.0.0
Adyen's Client Side Encryption (CSE) library for Ruby.
3,682 下载
adyen_hpp_hmac_calculator 0.0.2
Merchant signature calculator for Adyen ( payments service. It is...
29,351 下载
adyen_jpiqueras 2.5.0
Package to simplify including the Adyen payments services into a Ruby on Rails applicat...
32,145 下载
adyen-ruby-api-library 10.2.0
Official Adyen API Library for Ruby. Simplifies integrating with the Adyen API,\ inc...
1,646,208 下载
adyen-skinbuilder 0.4.3
Provides helpful command line tools to run sinatra server and bundle adyen skin files
68,914 下载
adzap-ar_mailer 2.1.10
Even delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to send hund...
112,499 下载
adzap-cronos 0.4.0
Tool for generating cron intervals using a natural syntax
18,063 下载
adzap-database_cleaner 0.2.3
Strategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean state for testing.
4,399 下载
adzap-mustache-rails 1.1.0
Implements Mustache views and templates for Rails 6.x
28,438 下载
adzap-validates_timeliness 2.2.2
Date and time validation plugin for Rails 2.x which allows custom formats
42,145 下载
adzap-voice_form 0.3.0
A plugin for Adhearsion to create forms in the style of the VoiceXML form element.
11,223 下载
adzap-wicked_pdf 2.0.0.beta5
Wicked PDF uses the shell utility wkhtmltopdf to serve a PDF file to a user from HTML. ...
6,408 下载
adzerk 0.30
Ruby library for the Adzerk API
127,620 下载
adzerk_decision_sdk 1.0.0.pre.beta.13
Ruby library for the Adzerk Decision API
103,001 下载
ae 1.8.2
Assertive Expressive is an assertions library specifically designed for reuse by other...
272,382 下载
ae_active_job_state 1.4.0
Store ActiveJob status in ActiveRecord
17,986 下载
aeacus 0.1.5
Aeacus, judge of the dead, tells you why your ruby processes died
26,899 下载
aead 1.8.1
Ruby library to generate AEADs
413,301 下载
ae_bank_days 2.2.0
Gem for finding the next banking date.
89,546 下载
ae-be_strong 0.1.3
Strong parameter converter.
14,970 下载
aebus 0.3.1
A tool to automate snapshot management in EC2
36,925 下载
ae_check_migrations_load_silently 1.3.0
Check migrations do not affect database on load.
23,152 下载