admiral_stats_parser 1.17.1
Parser for admiral stats JSON data exported from
54,656 下载
admiral-tools-figma 0.0.3
The tool to download figma icons
1,312 下载
admission 0.5.5
Admission rules to actions or resources, privileges system included
28,603 下载
admitad 0.0.14
This interface helps you to create applications for Admitad affiliate network. ...
27,909 下载
admitad_query 0.0.5
A gem whit redy qury methods
4,437 下载
admit_one 0.2.2
Ruby lock file manager that is highly resistant, if not outright immune, to race condit...
11,898 下载
admix 0.26.3
Admix administrive area for mix-rails
89,674 下载
admob 1.1.2
Enables easy integration of AdMob ads into a RoR mobile site.
25,361 下载
admob19 1.1.5
Enables easy integration of AdMob ads into a RoR mobile site.
8,354 下载
admob-api 0.0.1
A Ruby interface to the Admob API
4,790 下载
admob_site_stats 0.0.1
Simple Wrapper for the AdMob API for Site Stats
5,560 下载
admqr_knife 0.2.0
send vsist record to admqr service
58,817 下载
adn 0.3.10
A simple and easy to use library to interact with's API
42,266 下载
adn-cli 0.0.6 command line
24,280 下载
adncv 0.5
Statistics from your downloaded data.
17,087 下载
adn_hashtag_photos 0.1.1
This gem creates photo gallery data where all photos has one hashtag in common.
7,006 下载
adn-reborn 0.5.0
A simple and easy to use library to interact with's API
6,428 下载
adnruby 0.3.1
A simple and easy to use library to interact with's API
19,742 下载
adns-ruby 0.4
Ruby interface to GNU adns asynchronous-capable DNS client library (
8,655 下载
adn_viewer 1.0.2
ADN Viewer Starter
48,703 下载
adobe-aem-api 0.0.8
Provides functionality to manage Adobe AEM instances.
35,829 下载
adobe-campaign 0.4.4
A ruby wrapper for connecting your Rails app with Adobe Campaign.
29,736 下载
adobe_connect 1.0.12
An API wrapper for interacting with Adobe Connect services.
755,094 下载
adobe_connect_api 0.1.5
Wrapper to the Adobe Connect API
210,009 下载
adobe_crx 0.0.4
Ruby client used to manage day/adobe crx instances. Also includes utilities for perform...
20,229 下载
adobe_doc_api 0.2.1
Ruby interface for Adobe PDF Services API Document Generation
5,897 下载
adobe_media_encoder 0.0.1
A library for interacting with the Adobe Media Encoder API
2,638 下载
adobe_pdfservices_ruby 0.1.8
An Adobe PDF Services Ruby SDK provides APIs for creating, combining, exporting and man...
2,686 下载
adobeshare 0.0.4
Adobe Share API for Ruby
18,132 下载
adoc 0.0.1
Awesome Rubygem docs
651 下载