RubyGems Navigation menu


administrate-field-state_machine 0.2.0

A plugin to handle state machine attributes in Administrate

18,728 下载

administrate-field-telephone 0.0.1

Telephone field plugin for Administrate

3,074 下载

administrate-field-time 0.0.5

Time field plugin for Administrate

15,481 下载

administrate-field-tinymce 1.0.1

Administrate Plugin to add tinymce editor to administrate field.

7,391 下载

administrate-field-trix 0.0.3

A plugin to use the Trix WYSIWYG editor in Administrate

27,767 下载

administrate-field-type 1.0.1

Adds an Administrate::Field::Type for allowing the selection of an STI subtype in dashb...

13,901 下载

administrate-field-unixtime 0.0.3

simple plugin in order to be able to view and edit unixtime as human-editable format wi...

6,285 下载

administrate_filterable 0.0.4

Simple plugin to add custom filter functionality to your Administrate index page.

1,294 下载

administrate-materialize-theme 1.0.0

A Material Design theme for Administrate using Materialize framework

14,278 下载

administrate-notus_theme 0.3.0

The Administrate Notus Theme designed by Creative Tim

4,045 下载

administrate_ransack 0.6.0

A plugin for Administrate to use Ransack for search filters

68,556 下载

administrate-rich-text 0.0.2

Incorporate ActionText into Administrate to allow rich text editing in the dashboard.

1,028 下载

administrate-serialized_fields 0.1.1

Automatically deserialize administrate fields on form submit.

6,472 下载

administrate_tailwind_theme 0.0.6

This gem provides a custom Tailwind CSS theme for the Administrate gem used in Rails ap...

2,159 下载

administration-zero 1.0.6

An administration system generator for Rails applications

21,871 下载

administrator 0.0.1

it has authorization and dashboard panel

6,408 下载

admin_it 1.3.8

Admin interface

105,641 下载

adminix 0.2


77,959 下载

adminka 0.1.0

Description of Adminka.

3,060 下载

admin_layout 0.0.6


11,117 下载

adminlock 1.0.0

lock your important links

14,377 下载

adminlte 1.4

Provides easy integration for Bootstrap admin template into Rails. ...

10,346 下载


Gemified AdminLTE, with RTL support.

10,575 下载

adminlte2assets-rails 1.0.1

AdminLTE is a premium Bootstrap theme for Backend.

6,337 下载

adminlte2-rails 0.0.6

AdminLTE is a premium Bootstrap theme for Backend.

101,596 下载

adminlte_assets 0.5.0

Easy integration for Bootstrap AdminLTE template into Rails.

8,740 下载

adminlte-generators 0.2.4

AdminLTE-generators provides AdminLTE generators for Rails 4.

27,575 下载


Gemified AdminLTE, with SASS and RTL support for Rails.

42,817 下载

adminlte_rails 0.1.0

AdminLTE2 on rails

2,671 下载

adminlte-rails 1.3.3

AdminLTE is a premium Bootstrap theme for Backend.

47,913 下载