RubyGems Navigation menu


adminaccess 1.0.6

By passing in the current user email and the admin user email it tests if the user is c...

29,564 下载

admin_announcement 0.0.1

It helps admin to announce anything including parsed html in a form a notice.It consist...

2,803 下载

admin-api 0.0.1

It's a simple gem to create admin api

3,382 下载

admin_assistant 2.4.0

admin_assistant is a Rails plugin that automates a lot of features typically needed in ...

119,705 下载

admin_auth 0.6.0

A gem for rails that helps with basic database authentication.

35,347 下载

admin_bits 0.4.0

AdminBits simplifies creation of sortable / searchable lists found in dashboards / admi...

4,230 下载

admin_bounds 0.1.1

Create a table containing administrative bounds from OSM

3,881 下载

adminbox 0.2.0

Official AdminBox gem that enables advanced functionality

5,473 下载

admin-cf-plugin 3.0.0

Cloud Foundry administration commands.

40,987 下载

admin_core 0.0.3

Flexible admin framework for Rails

7,418 下载

admincredible 0.0.1

Communicates with com_admincredible, a Joomla! extension that adds REST like APIs to Jo...

5,372 下载

admin_data 1.2.1

Manage data as if you own it

241,344 下载

admin_engine 1.0.1

A rails engine for adding admin functionality.

23,297 下载

admin_fu 0.1.0

Provides a basic administration interface for Rails3 applications

6,409 下载

admin_generator 0.1.1

generate admin page with sorcery.

5,121 下载

admin_help 0.1.5


9,418 下载

admin-helper 0.0.1

The server administrator helper. It has process manager, it also can kill processes fro...

5,102 下载

admini 1.0.0

A minimal administration framework for Ruby on Rails application.

15,094 下载

admin_interface 2.2.5

A Rails admin interface generator. Theme stolen from Redmine. Similar to web-app-theme ...

120,194 下载

admin_invitable 1.0.0

AdminInvitable includes a generator to make devise invitable gem work with ActiveAdmin.

29,683 下载

adminish 0.0.1

check for more info

3,765 下载

administ 0.0.2

A minimalist Rails Admin tool. Easy to install and easy to uninstall too. Not ready yet.

10,503 下载

administer 0.3.0

Automatic admin interface generation

28,724 下载

administrador 0.0.32.pre

Administrador - The rails administration interface.

71,758 下载

administrate 0.20.1

Administrate is heavily inspired by projects like Rails Admin and ActiveAdmin, but aims...

5,661,540 下载

administrate-base_controller 0.7.0

Extends the ApplicationController in Administrate

65,234 下载

administrate_batch_actions 0.3.4

Batch Actions plugin for Administrate

30,832 下载

administrate-bootstrap-theme 1.1.0

A Bootstrap theme for Administrate: clean design, easy to install, customizable

33,639 下载

administrate_collapsible_navigation 0.0.4

Collapsible navigation for Administrate

16,930 下载

administrate-default_order 0.1.0

Add default ordering to Administrate controllers

18,798 下载