Super DRY Asset Manipulation and Storage for Rails and Paperclip
26,652 下载
acts_as_assets 0.4.1
Manage multiple assets related to a specific model
233,548 下载
acts_as_associate_tree 0.0.2
organize a tree data
9,354 下载
acts_as_async 0.3.0
ActsAsAsync is an ActiveRecord extension that provides your models with easy-to-use Res...
59,961 下载
acts-as-atdw 0.0.3
A simple wrapper for the ATDW SOAP API
26,133 下载
acts_as_audited 2.1.0
ActiveRecord extension that logs all changes to your models in an audits table
365,849 下载
acts_as_audited_collection 1.0.2
Adds auditing capabilities to ActiveRecord associations, in a similar fashion to acts_a...
41,718 下载
acts_as_audited_customized 1.3.2
ActiveRecord extension that logs all changes to your models in an audits table addition...
36,258 下载
acts_as_audited_on_steroids 0.1.1
Simple solution to improve existing acts_as_audited functionality.
15,855 下载
acts_as_audited_rails3 1.1.2
ActiveRecord extension that logs all changes to your models in an audits table description
35,500 下载
acts_as_authoritah 2.0.6
Define user capabilities in your app
137,666 下载
acts_as_avatar 1.8.4
956 下载
acts_as_awardable 0.2.0
assign awardable items like equips, props and fabaos etc, internal project usage only
17,851 下载
acts_as_background_solr 0.5.1
Extends the functionality of the acts_as_solr plugin to provide for disconnected backgr...
19,107 下载
acts_as_belongable 3.0.0
acts_as_belongable is a Rubygem that provides an associations engine for Rails apps. It...
15,344 下载
acts_as_better_tree 1.0.0
acts_as_better_tree is great for anyone who needs a fast tree capable of handling milli...
29,116 下载
acts_as_bits 0.2.2
ActiveRecord plugin that maintains massive flags in one column
20,403 下载
acts_as_blamable 0.0.6
Automatically set created_by and updated_by fields
46,032 下载
acts_as_bloomfilter 0.0.4
Project started mainly for Extract Transform Load (ETL) operations
6,392 下载
acts_as_bookable 0.1.4
ActsAsBookable is a reservation engine for Rails applications that allows resources to ...
14,926 下载
acts_as_boolean 0.3.0
Treat time-y columns like booleans.
5,202 下载
ActsAsBoolean 0.1.0
Treat time-y columns like booleans.
3,261 下载
acts_as_brand_new_copy 1.0.1
A ruby gem for active record which simplify the copy of very complex tree data.
8,920 下载
acts_as_bytefield 0.1.1
Change an ActiveRecord string column into a byte field.
7,210 下载
acts_as_cachable 0.1.2
we implemented some automatic caching to first,last and all methods
9,959 下载
acts_as_cached 0.1.2
Caching helpers for Rails
29,974 下载
acts_as_caesar 0.1.3
Acts As Caesar is a voting system - allowing up/down voting of objects.
90,803 下载
acts_as_callbackable 0.2.3
ActsAsCallbackable provides a single way of calling specific methods when targeted mode...
9,478 下载
acts-as-categorizable 0.1.2
Allows any model to be categorized.
3,856 下载
acts_as_category 0.0.8
19,345 下载