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activerecord-tableless 2.0.0

ActiveRecord Tableless Models provides a simple mixin for creating models that are not ...

650,511 ダウンロード数

active_record-tableless_model 0.0.1

Simplify creating ActiveRecord clases which don't need a database table

8,999 ダウンロード数

activerecord-tablelocks 0.0.1

This gem enables the use of database specific table locks when saving or destroying you...

5,119 ダウンロード数

activerecord-table_version 0.0.2

Specify a table name with a version number

18,651 ダウンロード数

activerecord-take_or_find 1.0.0

Gem activerecord-take_or_find provides a method on your ActiveRecord models. Depending ...

14,307 ダウンロード数

active_record_tasks 1.1.0

Use ActiveRecord 4 in non-rails projects.

23,911 ダウンロード数

active_record_temptable 0.1.4

Temp Table for activerecord

9,204 ダウンロード数

activerecord-tenant-level-security 0.3.0

An Active Record extension for Multitenancy with PostgreSQL Row Level Security

56,545 ダウンロード数

activerecord-testcase 0.1.0

Defines test assertions to test against SQL queries

6,826 ダウンロード数

activerecord_threadsafe_fix 3.1.1

Patch ActiveRecord to have a fair, threadsafe connection pool

5,038 ダウンロード数

activerecord-tidb-adapter 7.0.0

Allows the use of TiDB as a backend for ActiveRecord and Rails apps.

18,646 ダウンロード数

activerecord-time 1.0.0

A handler for storing TimeOfDay objects in ActiveRecord objects as sql time values.

88,213 ダウンロード数

activerecord-timescaledb-adapter 0.1.0

The activerecord-timescaledb-adapter provides access to features of the Timescale Postg...

779 ダウンロード数

activerecord-time-scope 0.1.2

Time-Related Scope for ActiveRecord

17,269 ダウンロード数

activerecord_time_scopes 0.0.2

A collection of time scopes for activerecord, including created_after/created_before/up...

4,870 ダウンロード数

active_record_to_csv 0.2.0

Simple ActiveRecordModel to_csv() class method that preserves scopes

51,802 ダウンロード数

active_record_to_excel 0.1.0

This tool allows you to generate quick and simple Excel reports based on the array ...

9,692 ダウンロード数

activerecord_to_google_spreadsheet 0.2.0

Dump databases to Google SpreadSheets and can also from SpreadSheets.

6,783 ダウンロード数

active_record_to_hash 1.5.1

Add a `to_hash` method that can acquire the relations to the active record.

11,900 ダウンロード数

activerecord_to_poro 0.0.9

Convert ActiveRecord objects to plain old ruby objects and vice versa

33,572 ダウンロード数

active_record_to_simpledb 0.3.3

It sends ActiveRecord objets to SimpleDB using Resque

51,992 ダウンロード数

activerecord_touchy 0.1.4

Extend AR to use touch for has_many and has_one relations

31,752 ダウンロード数

active_record_to_xls 1.0.2

This simple plugin gives you the ability to get XLS for a collection of ActiveRecord mo...

6,450 ダウンロード数

active_record_tracer 0.1.0

A tracer for Active Record queries

559 ダウンロード数

active_record-tracer 0.1.1

ActiveRecord OpenTracing tracer

4,571 ダウンロード数

activerecord-track-dirty-associations 0.1.0

This gem enables tracking of dirty associations on ActiveRecord objects

4,245 ダウンロード数

activerecord-traits 1.1.1

Type information of activerecord models, attributes and associations in good and clear ...

15,693 ダウンロード数

activerecord-transactionable 3.0.3

Getting transactions right is hard, and this gem makes it easier.

49,553 ダウンロード数

active-record-transactioner 0.0.7

Queue up calls to specific models and execute them in transactions, after a certain num...

109,121 ダウンロード数

activerecord-transaction_subscriber 0.1.3

The number of queries executed in a transaction, the execution time, and the wall-clock...

1,491 ダウンロード数