annealer 0.3
Simulated annealing framework
10,996 ダウンロード数
annealing 0.4.0
Simulated Annealing algoritm implementation.
5,868 ダウンロード数
annex 0.0.2
Annex leverages chef-solo to allow you to provision and update mutliple servers by look...
4,845 ダウンロード数
annex_29 0.2.1
Unicode annex 29 compliant word segmentation
525,326 ダウンロード数
annex-cms 0.5.0
An inline editor CMS powered by redactor, devise and mongodb. Up and running in seconds
54,455 ダウンロード数
anngler 0.0.5
Anngler is an approximate nearest neighbor search for points in n-dimensional space tha...
6,998 ダウンロード数
annict 0.0.1
Annict API v1 client library, written in Ruby
2,908 ダウンロード数
AnnieNumbers 0.1.0
Some stuff with numbers
2,704 ダウンロード数
anniversary 2.0.1
Adds the method Date#years_months_days_since which returns the number of days, months a...
33,079 ダウンロード数
annlat 0.0.1
Learnleague gem for containg used libraries
4,155 ダウンロード数
annotable 0.1.2
Provides a simple way to add annotations to your method declarations.
907 ダウンロード数
annotate 3.2.0
Annotates Rails/ActiveRecord Models, routes, fixtures, and others based on the database...
71,502,651 ダウンロード数
annotate_controllers 0.0.1
Annotate Rails controllers with routes information.
5,002 ダウンロード数
annotated 0.1.1
Annotates Rails/ActiveRecord Models, routes, fixtures, and others based on the database...
749 ダウンロード数
annotated_models 3.0.2
Add a comment summarizing the current schema to the top or bottom of each of your models
12,957 ダウンロード数
annotated-rails 0.0.2
Y.a. Rails models annotation
10,848 ダウンロード数
annotate_gem 0.0.14
Clarify your dependencies by adding a detailed comment to each line in Gemfile specifyi...
251,667 ダウンロード数
annotate_gemfile 0.1.2
Adds gem descriptions from Rubygems to every gem in the Gemfile
9,028 ダウンロード数
annotate_model 1.0.0
A lightweight gem to annotate Rails models based on the database schema.
622 ダウンロード数
annotate_models 1.0.1
This is my own re-write of an earlier version ...
53,138 ダウンロード数
annotaterb 4.14.0
Annotates Rails/ActiveRecord Models, routes, fixtures, and others based on the database...
525,955 ダウンロード数
annotate_routes 0.0.1
Annotate Rails routes to your controllers
4,039 ダウンロード数
annotate-sequel 1.1.1
Annotate Sequel models
30,951 ダウンロード数
annotate_yaml 0.0.5
Annote YAML to annotate your YAML files
17,472 ダウンロード数
annotation 0.1.2
Annotation.rb is a very small but pretty good library which introduces Java's annotat...
26,096 ダウンロード数
annotations 0.1.2
Source code annotations, extracted from Rails.
166,611 ダウンロード数
annotations2triannon 0.4.1
Utilities for bulk loading annotations into triannon
21,449 ダウンロード数
annotation_security 1.3.1
AnnotationSecurity provides a role based security model with automated rule evaluation ...
15,275 ダウンロード数
annotator 0.0.10
Annotate your models and keep your comments about fields.
57,730 ダウンロード数
annotator-rails 2.0.0.pre.alpha.2
This is a Gem to wrap the JavaScript Annotator library
2,463 ダウンロード数