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acts_as_roleable 0.4.0

Wraps RoleModel up to make role based authorization really easy in Rails >= 3.2.

7,969 ダウンロード数

acts_as_rrranking 0.2.1

A rails plugin use redis to sort models on real time.

31,124 ダウンロード数

acts_as_ruintsti 0.0.4

use the type of integer in the STI(Single Table Inheritance)

16,758 ダウンロード数

acts_as_runnable_code 1.0.2

See the example app using this gem: == FEATURES/PROBLEMS...

26,934 ダウンロード数

acts_as_sane_tree 2.0.6

Sane ActiveRecord tree builder

104,754 ダウンロード数

acts_as_sanitiled 1.1.6

A modernized version of Chris Wansthrath's venerable acts_as_textiled. It automatically...

74,480 ダウンロード数

acts_as_sanitizable 0.4.4

Sanitizable concern to sanitize attributes the way you like

39,491 ダウンロード数

acts-as-savable 0.0.1

ActiveRecord plugin for a view-backed model. Stores data to an underlying table.

8,736 ダウンロード数

acts_as_saveable 0.10.1

Rails gem to allowing records to be saveable

3,808 ダウンロード数

acts_as_scd 0.0.3

SCD models have identities and multiple time-limited iterations (revisions) per identity

11,714 ダウンロード数

acts_as_scope 0.1.0

Description of ActsAsScope.

2,711 ダウンロード数

acts_as_scribe 0.1.0

A simple plugin that allows to keep track of the users activity. Common uses could be u...

9,749 ダウンロード数

acts_as_scriptural 0.0.5

Parse multibook, multiverse bible references of the form: Acts 1:1-10; Eph 1:5-10; John...

16,042 ダウンロード数

acts_as_scrubbable 2.1.5

ActsAsScrubbable helps you scrub your database the easy way with mock data at the Activ...

204,051 ダウンロード数

acts_as_sdata 1.0.1

Ruby implementation of SData (Sage Data) protocol

17,913 ダウンロード数

acts_as_searchable 0.1.0

acts_as_searchable adds fulltext searching capabilities based on Hyper Estraier to an A...

14,911 ダウンロード数

acts_as_secure 0.0.3

Adds attribute encryption to ActiveRecord models

70,383 ダウンロード数

acts_as_securely_transferable 0.0.1

On-the-fly RSA encryption for secure transmission of forms/resources over non-secure co...

8,941 ダウンロード数

acts_as_select 0.1.7

Creation of automatic selection suitable for drop downs from column fields in an Active...

29,279 ダウンロード数

acts_as_seo_friendly 0.2.1

Description of ActsAsSeoFriendly.

35,336 ダウンロード数

acts_as_sequence 0.0.2

Emulates sequence in MySQL database. Useful when you want your newly created object to ...

17,005 ダウンロード数

acts_as_serializable 0.3.0

Easy versioning of serialization methods

48,131 ダウンロード数

acts_as_service 0.0.6

A gem with a mixin to let you turn a class into something that runs like a service, whi...

37,585 ダウンロード数

acts_as_shardable 0.8.0

Let subclasses of ActiveRecord::Base to be shardable.

26,546 ダウンロード数

acts_as_shareable_object 0.0.1

This ActiveRecord extension provides the capability to define or map attributes in your...

4,143 ダウンロード数

acts_as_shellscript_executable 1.0.0

#execute! executes column's content as shellscript

22,745 ダウンロード数

acts_as_shopping_cart 0.4.1

Simple Shopping Cart implementation

216,235 ダウンロード数

acts_as_silent_list 3.0.0

This "acts_as" extension is a clone of the well known acts_as_list, only it avoids trig...

79,797 ダウンロード数

acts_as_simple_translatable 0.2.1

Took acts_as_translatable and stripped it down

11,370 ダウンロード数

acts_as_singleton 0.0.8

It just makes sense to store mutable, site-wide, admin-level settings in the database. ...

480,218 ダウンロード数