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azure_mgmt_event_hub 0.18.2

Microsoft Azure Event Hub Library for Ruby

53 032 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_features 0.17.5

Microsoft Azure Resource Provider Feature Management Client Library for Ruby

72 240 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_graph 0.15.3

Microsoft Azure Active Directory Graph Management Client Library for Ruby

76 691 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_hanaonazure 0.18.1

Official Ruby client library to consume Hanaonazure

14 057 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_hdinsight 0.18.5

Microsoft Azure Hdinsight Management Client Library for Ruby

35 369 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_healthcare_apis 0.17.0

Official Ruby client library to consume HealthcareApis

2 170 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_hybrid_compute 0.17.0

Official Ruby client library to consume HybridCompute

3 568 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_import_export 0.17.1

Official Ruby client library to consume ImportExport

8 623 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_insights 0.10.1

Microsoft Azure Insights Library for Ruby. Starting July 2017, this gem will no longer ...

10 346 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_iot_central 0.19.4

Microsoft Azure IotCentral Management Client Library for Ruby

33 490 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_iot_hub 0.17.5

Microsoft Azure IoT Hub Management Client Library for Ruby

57 983 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_key_vault 0.17.7

Microsoft Azure Resource Management Key Vault Client Library for Ruby

4 997 288 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_kubernetes_configuration 0.18.0

Official Ruby client library to consume KubernetesConfiguration

9 681 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_kusto 0.20.0

Microsoft Azure Kusto Management Client Library for Ruby

44 662 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_labservices 0.17.2

Microsoft Azure Labservices Library for Ruby

11 102 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_links 0.17.3

Microsoft Azure Links Library for Ruby

31 608 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_locks 0.17.4

Microsoft Azure Resource Lock Management Client Library for Ruby

79 203 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_logic 0.18.3

Microsoft Azure Logic Management Client Library for Ruby

63 149 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_machine_learning 0.17.3

Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Management Client Library for Ruby

55 293 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_machine_learning_services 0.17.3

Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Services Management Client Library for Ruby

14 466 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_maintenance 0.17.1

Official Ruby client library to consume Maintenance

8 401 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_managed_applications 0.17.3

Microsoft Azure Managed Applications Library for Ruby

31 576 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_mariadb 0.17.4

Microsoft Azure MariaDB Library for Ruby

240 684 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_marketplace_ordering 0.17.5

Microsoft Azure Marketplace Ordering Library for Ruby

35 149 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_media_services 0.21.1

Microsoft Azure Media Services Management Client Library for Ruby

97 288 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_migrate 0.17.1

Official Ruby client library to consume Migrate

9 594 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_mixedreality 0.17.3

Microsoft Azure Mixed Reality Management Client Library for Ruby

13 461 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_mobile_engagement 0.16.0

Microsoft Azure Mobile Engagement Management Client Library for Ruby

35 770 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_monitor 0.19.0

Microsoft Azure Monitor Library for Ruby

712 581 Téléchargements

azure_mgmt_msi 0.17.2

Microsoft Azure Managed Service Identity Library for Ruby

78 266 Téléchargements