RubyGems Navigation menu


averell-exception_notification 1.0.20110124

Gemified exception_notification rails plugin, compatible with Rails 2.3.5 with RailsXss

10 320 Téléchargements

aversion 0.0.1

Manage the version number for your application

4 959 Téléchargements

avertasks 0.2.0

To use it, we only need placed tasks in taskqueue and wait it, like download many files...

2 505 Téléchargements

avetmiss_data 0.0.1

Parsing and building AVETMISS files

4 330 Téléchargements

avgbm 0.0.1

Adds Benchmark.avgbm method, that discards highest/lowest times and averages the remain...

3 558 Téléchargements

avgrund_to 0.0.2

Wraps hakim's awesome Avgrund reimagining of the modal window into a Rails Engine

8 819 Téléchargements

avh4-rbiphonetest 0.3.0

Want to write iPhone unit tests? Want to write them in Ruby?

3 876 Téléchargements

av_hand_dryer 0.1.0

This gem helps to dry your hands right from the terminal.

2 645 Téléchargements

avi 0.0.1

Shit Avi Says!

4 558 Téléchargements

aviary 1.0.2

Aviary generates a static photo gallery using Twitter

9 754 Téléchargements

aviateur 0.1.1

get flightdata from panasonic flight WiFi system.

2 446 Téléchargements

aviator 0.3.1

A lightweight Ruby library for the OpenStack API

44 264 Téléchargements

aviator_session_pool 0.0.1

A library for managing multiple Aviator sessions

4 351 Téléchargements

aviglitch 0.2.0

A Ruby library to destroy your AVI files.

49 778 Téléchargements

av-ip 0.0.0

A simple ruby wrapper for quick ip geolocation

2 724 Téléchargements

avira_update_mirrors 0.1.0

Avira update mirrors

5 147 Téléchargements

avi_says 0.1.0

Shit Avi Says!

18 575 Téléchargements

avi_says_shit 0.0.5

Shit Avi Says!

16 801 Téléchargements

avito 0.0.1

Gem for working with avito service

4 851 Téléchargements

avivjfrog-test1 1.0.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

1 126 Téléchargements

aviz-sonic-rbapi 0.0.0

REST Client Library for programming Aviz Networks SONIC network devices using Ruby

2 089 Téléchargements

avl_tree 1.2.1

AVL tree, Red black tree and Lock-free Red black tree in Ruby

8 781 570 Téléchargements

avm 0.90.1

Ruby base library for Agora Vai! Methodology (

68 972 Téléchargements

avm-apps 0.5.0

DEPRECATED: use gem "avm" instead.

13 306 Téléchargements

avm_client 1.0.1

This is api client library for AVM (automated valuation machine) -

4 662 Téléchargements

avm-eac_asciidoctor_base0 0.23.0

Put here de description.

21 466 Téléchargements

avm-eac_generic_base0 0.13.0

Put here de description.

11 676 Téléchargements

avm-eac_github_base0 0.3.0

Put here de description.

849 Téléchargements

avm-eac_gitlab_base0 0.4.0

Put here de description.

614 Téléchargements

avm-eac_keycloak_base0 0.1.0

Put here de description.

270 Téléchargements